Wherever My Feet Take Me
Feeling much better now, after sleeping for 9 hours straight in my bed, with my stinky tiger beside me. Don't want to ruin my rest days in Singapore pouting over the nasty incident I had.
Anyway, here's what I did when I was in New York:
--Took the Subway to Wall Street Station, hoping to see the New York Stock Exchange.
--Ended up walking to Battery Park, where the Statue of Liberty is just a river away.

THE statue
--Sat there for a while, enjoying the sunshine and serenity in a busy place.

Simple Beautiful
--Found my way to the NYSE somehow. And saw Trinity Church too.

Where Money meets Money

New York's Cherry Blossom
Still early to call it a day, I decided to award myself with a little retail therapy. Went over to Century 21 where I bought 2 Paul & Joe tops. Considered a bargain cos they cost around US$150, originally priced much higher. Yeshhh!!!!!
Got back to the hotel, had my usual McDonald's Chicken Selects meal, and thought that I could use a little trip to Times Square. Was walking outside the MTV store when a guy approached me. He identified himself as some staff of MTV, and asked if I'm interested for some casting.
Well, I told him that I'm not from the States and will be leaving the next day. He said that's fine, I always contact him when I'm back in NYC. Had to reject him...
Bought a tin of Hershey's Kisses from the Hershey's store and it's back to the hotel for packing.
Was so happy to be working in Upper Deck on the leg back to Narita. It's economy class and basically I have the whole cabin to myself, totally unlike the warzone in the main deck.
Just when I thought everything was going fine, a Pax fainted! Luckily, he fainted in front of my in-charge and a doctor. Had to get the oxygen bottle for him and it was so troublesome afterwards-- we had to report to the Chief and captain, and make a remark in the Flight Log Book.
I did manage to have a nice conversation with a Pax on that flight. He was always hanging around the GLY and I was quite pissed off at first. But he was quite a nice fella to talk to. He's a Taiwanese who can't speak Mandarin; has been staying in Japan for over 30 years; owns his own clinic in Chiba city (yes, he's a Doc); was in New York for his cousin's wedding.
He wanted to leave me his contact numbers and said that I can always go visit him when I have time. Again, I rejected. Sigh... don't ask me WHY. Tell me HOW can I take it??
So now it's back to Narita, where I finally get my 2-nites' stay! I was so looking forward to this stay beforehand that I got ready the Tokyo maps. Woke up the next day super early to catch the shuttle bus to the airport where I took the train to Tokyo. The journey was long, me still suffering from jet-leg, and I just couldn't sleep on the way.
Visited the famous Meiji Shrine and bought the Love charm (I'm getting quite a big collection here), and a charm for travel safety.
Next it's off to Shibuya...
Got so confused after stepping out of the train... exits everywhere and I had nooooo idea which way to go. Got lost for a while, decided to return to the station, and slowly studied my maps (with swarms of people rushing by me).
I bought some cute and 'innovative' stuff that Japan is famous for. Heeee.
A big Thanks here to my feet, they must be so tired after the long hours of being stuffed in covered heels on flight and the non-stop walking and pausing in my Skechers. Sometimes I listen to my head, sometimes I'll just go wherever my feet take me.
Good Flight, Bad Leg
I just got back from my New York Flight. It was quite ok, the crew and Pax were nice enough not to give me any major problems. But, there was one bad leg that nearly ruined the entire flight for me-- the NRT/JFK leg.
Somehow things happened that I didn't mean for them to. I made some small mistakes that could be overlooked, but still, they got spotted and 'announced'.
It seemed that everything wrong that happened on that leg was MY fault.
Was so upset that I couldn't relax during the 2 and a half hour crew rest.
It sucked.
My First Compliment Letter
Always a little moody when leaving for a flight, even though I could visit 'interesting' cities like New York. I guess I have to get used to spending more time in hotels than my room.
Here's something to bring a smile/smirk/grin to my face-- I received my first compliment letter from a passenger!! It was from a lady on my LA flight in February (I only got the notice in April).
Here's a brief translation of what she wrote: "The cabin attendant from Singapore-base, (my name), had been most patient, even when dealing with passengers who made unreasonable and repeat requests. She always has a bright smile on her face when serving.
From now onwards, I promise that I'll always fly by (my company) even if it has technical errors being reported."
The last bit may seem strange to some of you. Well, my company did not exactly have a very nice and clean record of technical maintenance. We've had several cases of technical and mechanical errors last year, which was widely reported in the news and papers.
To know that someone out there appreciates my smile enough to continue flying with my company in spite of these errors, is a great mental supplement for my waning emotional level.
Congrats, Congrats, And Congrats!!
Breaking news: my good friend from my ECA in Sec Sch just got engaged!!
Really happy for her-- she found someone special that she wants to spend the rest of her life with.
In a loss for words still....
Do You Still Love Me?
High School Dramas
Everytime I watch these 2 shows, it's like I've been transported back to the days when I was still in Poly. Rushing for the bus in the morning; hoping to see that certain guy on the bus; entering the lecture hall hoping to see him; chatting aimlessly with my friends; window shopping in town after lectures; skipping lectures to catch a movie...

The shows are just so full of youth and energy and ambition that I can't not like them. I admit that I'm quite a fan of high school/college comedies-- they make me feel happy and take my mind of the troubles I have.
If I could have the chance to go back to where I was 6 years ago, here are some things I would have done differently:
-- NOT join the harmonica club in the first place.
-- Given that guy a chance in Yr 1
-- Have a better sense of dressing (not that I'm much better now)
Like my friend CT said-- we're growing old slowly, but not THAT slowly. It's time to plan for the future and be open to new opportunities.
Movie: United 93
Was browsing around when I saw this new film releasing in the States: United 93.
I'm sure all of us knew what happened on September 11, 2001. 2 hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade Center building in New York City and the biggest international war against terrorism started ever since then.
For this couple of years, people's attention have been focused on the tragedy of WTC. The 4th hijacked plane on that day and the stories of the passengers onbaord were little known. This year, we have a film in honor of those who fought for their lives, till the end.

~~September 11, 2001.
Four planes were hijacked.
Three of them reached their target.
This is the story of the fourth.~~
Movie: Fallen
I have a confession to make: I fell asleep during a movie yesterday night, and the movie was an award-winning on showing at the Singapore International Film Festival. How could I??!! But how could I not, given the following:
-- Been out since noon that day and the movie started at 2130hr.
-- It was a black and white film.
-- It was a film from Latvia.
-- When was the last time I watched a movie that's not a comedy?? (Other than Harry Potter.)
Applause here for ZX- she managed to stay awake for the whole film whole i just decided to wake up for the ending credits.
So many movies I want to catch:
-- Take The Lead
-- She's the Man
-- Stick It
-- Aquamarine
-- Find Me Guilty
-- Devil Wears Prada
-- Just My Luck
-- American Dreamz
Here's the tough bit: some of them might not be shown here in Singapore, meaning that I'll have to wait a few months for the DVDs to be released in the States before I can watch them. I'm just not comfortable enough to join the crowd in the States for a movie. (I'm quite a chicken.)
Just Back From Flight
Touched down about 2 hours ago and I just feel that half of my whole body's energy supply is gone. Short flight with very nice crew, but a lot of Korean passengers whom I simply cannot understand what they're saying and neither do them.
One good piece of news though-- Previously when people ask me if I've ever seen any goodlooking Pax onboard, the answer is a solid No. But today... lucky lucky me-- saw a passenger in Economy class (but not in my service compartment) that's WOAH... very 'easy-to-look-at'. The other Singaporean crew came to tell me about him and being the ever kaypoh and sometimes-desperate junior, I 'casually' walked by his seat a couple of times.
Hehe. Lucky lucky me. I was hanging around the MID Galley when he came over to stretch his legs and get a drink. Lucky again, there was another Singapore Pax nearby and we just started talking. Well, he's not a Singaporean but he's staying here right now. (The other Pax walked away somewhere in the conversation-- I can't be bothered also)
He's not the kind of guy that will 'sparkle' in a crowd but he's definitely one who shines brighter and brighter. Hahaha. OK, I know what you girls are thinking of-- "Did you get his number??"
Let me just say this-- I can never ever ever get a passenger's number!! It's different if he/she wants to give me a namecard, but I can give out nothing except drinks and maybe a whiskey. Ok, point noted.
Sigh... looking forward to another flight like this one.
Why Is It Raining??
I hate this-- it seems like everytime when I have to leave for a flight, it starts raining on the day or the night before. Argh! Rainy days are my favourite. They're for me to stay home, laze on the bed with a light novel, and just waste the day away.
This flight is to Osaka. My third time there... The first time-- It was my FIRST flight as a crew, and being my training flight, I did below average and got myself some bitter scolding I still can't forget. The second time-- I had to work on Christmas Eve, and the worse part-- the airport hotel (which the crew usually stay in) is full and we had to go to another hotel at least 20 minutes away. It was something like a hotel in a residential area, IMO.
Well, hopefully nothing goes bad this time, and the senior crew will be friendly enough to talk without any arrogance.
It's both funny and ironic that the supposedly-closest person on the flight might be worse than the passengers. I actually worry about who I'll be flying with than nasty Pax onboard. Sigh. Crew culture... That's a phrase I learnt on my first flight and I"m still trying to figure it out.
Here's a picture of the Sakura flower. There's only one Sakura tree at the hotel at Narita. Lucky for me, I managed to at least see the Sakura up front, although I would have prefered to see a full blossom of them in a park...

Ok, time to brush my teeth and get ready to leave the house.
P.S. Realised that humming the tune of a happy song in my mind can really 'brighten up' a flight and make me smile. Hehe. Song in my mind right now-- 183 Club's Wan Mei Qing Ren.
My Shopping
It's horrible how much damage to my already shallow pocket I can do to it. Here's what I came home with from my first and unfortunately, possibly-last-Vegas flight pattern:
Day 1 in Vegas:
-From M&M's Store:
>>A M&M's dispenser
>>A bag of cholocate-colored M&M's
>>A metal plate with "M&M's Las Vegas"
>>A red M&M's mug
Day 2 in Vegas:
-From the Premium Outlets:
>> L'Occitane
>>>>Peach Home Perfume
>>>>Orange Hand Lotion
>> Hush Puppies
>>>> A pair of white flat sandals
>>>>A small white Hamptons Weekend Hobo
>>>>A Lime Hamptons Weekend Satchel
>>>>The Charms Chain with rhinestone
>>Crabtree & Evelyn
>>>>Gardeners' Pumice Hand Scrub
>>>>3 pairs of clip earrings
NOTE: All these are done within one hour.
Day 3 in LA: Just to the supermart to grab drinking water, some Ruffles, and takeaway Chinese food (Mapo Tofu) and McDonald's Chicken Selects. (I went for the 5-piece meal instead of the regular 3-piece. Ouch)
Day 4 in LA: Del Amo
>>>>3 (more) pairs of clip earrings
>>At a DVD Store
>>>>"Carolina" DVD starring Julia Stiles
>>See's Candies
>>>>2 small boxes of chocolate for ZX and MM and a small pack of Easter eggs for myself.
>>Barnes & Noble
>>>>2 DVDs of the Amanda Show (with Amanda Bynes)
>>>>Books: "Second Assistant" and "I Don't Have A Thing To Wear"
>>>>In Touch magazine
On the way back to the hotel, I asked the shuttle bus driver if he can stop by the Chinese food place (and he was kind enough to do so). Got my Mapo Tofu set lunch again.
Day 5 in LA: Galleria South Bay
>>Abercrombie & Fitch
>>>>A pairs of size-2 khaki pants. (YESSSSSS!!!!!!! I managed to get into a SIZE 2!!!!!!!!)
>>>>A denim jacket
>>>>A rather thick cardigan
>>Victoria's Secret
>>>>6 assorted bottles of body lotions, scrubs, and shower gels. (How can I not at least TRY them since they're going for 6 @ US$30??)
>>Barnes & Noble
>>>>Books: "Tripping the Prom Queen" and "Retail Therapy".
In the afternoon, a crew called me and asked if I'll like to join her to takeaway some food at the Chinese Restaurant. Of course... it's Mapo Tofu again. No prizes for getting it right.
The visit to Barnes & Noble had a nice surprise. All items are going at 40% off. Yes... I can hardly resist the call of books. I admit that AGAIN, for those who didn't catch me admitting to THAT previously. Was on my way to the register when I caught this "Retail Therapy" on the front shelf. No way am I gonna give that a miss, since I'm always in 'therapy'.
My card swiping total hit a record high and I'll be holding my breath when the bill comes next month.
Next trip, it's to LA again. This time, I promise all I'll buy is Chinese food (maybe more Tofu), and a tabloid magazine when I visist B&N. (Alllll riiiiight.... maybe a couple of books if there's a sale.)
I guess I should buy a book on self-control during a shopping streak...Hmmmm....
Feeling Exhausted Emotionally
Just reached home about 3 and a half hours ago, from a 9-day Vegas/LA pattern. Vegas was great-- too many places to go, too little time. Will upload some pictures when I'm feeling more energetic.
Was just reading a friend's blog and she mentioned about me. Makes me feel 'aaawwwwwwww' all of a sudden. Honestly speaking, we didn't hit it off well at first when we met each other. I suppose I can call our friendship one of those-- too bad it's too late. But then again, perhaps that timing was the best, because we know our 'pattern' better. Hahaha.
She's away in a foreign land now, and leading the life that she wants with the person she loves. It's not easy... IMO, to decide to be with someone for the rest of your life and share all happiness and woes with him/her. Some people search their whole lives, and never even gotten close.
She says in her blog that she'll remember me with my smile and independence. I wish I can say a big THANK YOU with absolute pride and confidence. But as I spend more time in this job, I find my confidence and esteem being stomped on over and over again. Most of the time after a flight pattern, I get so relived-- not because I don't have to serve nasty passengers onboard, but because I can get away from the hypocritical, fake, totally pointless front I have to put on.
I know it's part of the job to smile, behave elegantly, and just try to be the perfect lady/woman/girl/female that I can be. But after the working hours? I still have to greet any seniors I see, be it in Japan, or Singapore. Trust me when I say that there can be a thousand ways that a simple "Hi! I'm so-and-so from Batch what-ever. Nice to meet you" can go wrong.
These are the times where my smile has to be forced. I will proudly say that when I'm greeting passengers during boarding and disembarking, my smile comes quite naturely and brightly. I just hate myself for having to 'push' my smile onto the skin surface and make it stay for a few minutes while I introduce myself.
Why do I have to put myself through this sometimes humiliating and stressed situation every few days? For the money and glamour that comes with the job? Maybe. So that I can get along well with the seniors? No... I just want to hide in a corner and be as invisible as I can.
Once in while, my heart will be crying on the inside and my smile frozen on the outside. First rule in the job: No Tears Allowed.
I'm still trying... still trying.