Saturday, April 22, 2006

My First Compliment Letter

Always a little moody when leaving for a flight, even though I could visit 'interesting' cities like New York. I guess I have to get used to spending more time in hotels than my room.

Here's something to bring a smile/smirk/grin to my face-- I received my first compliment letter from a passenger!! It was from a lady on my LA flight in February (I only got the notice in April).

Here's a brief translation of what she wrote: "The cabin attendant from Singapore-base, (my name), had been most patient, even when dealing with passengers who made unreasonable and repeat requests. She always has a bright smile on her face when serving.

From now onwards, I promise that I'll always fly by (my company) even if it has technical errors being reported."

The last bit may seem strange to some of you. Well, my company did not exactly have a very nice and clean record of technical maintenance. We've had several cases of technical and mechanical errors last year, which was widely reported in the news and papers.

To know that someone out there appreciates my smile enough to continue flying with my company in spite of these errors, is a great mental supplement for my waning emotional level.


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