Friday, April 21, 2006

High School Dramas

Everytime I watch these 2 shows, it's like I've been transported back to the days when I was still in Poly. Rushing for the bus in the morning; hoping to see that certain guy on the bus; entering the lecture hall hoping to see him; chatting aimlessly with my friends; window shopping in town after lectures; skipping lectures to catch a movie...

The shows are just so full of youth and energy and ambition that I can't not like them. I admit that I'm quite a fan of high school/college comedies-- they make me feel happy and take my mind of the troubles I have.

If I could have the chance to go back to where I was 6 years ago, here are some things I would have done differently:
-- NOT join the harmonica club in the first place.
-- Given that guy a chance in Yr 1
-- Have a better sense of dressing (not that I'm much better now)

Like my friend CT said-- we're growing old slowly, but not THAT slowly. It's time to plan for the future and be open to new opportunities.


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