Thursday, September 11, 2008


It was a lousy day at work. Seems like everything that can go wrong did. And a big arsehole from the top was there to watch the whole time. He's just one of those old arses that sit on experience and squash newbies in the company. Once the latter can't take the squashing, they'll leave, therefore maintaining his senior status.


And I hope Karma bites him in his fat butt real soon.

You do realise that workplace-arseholes all look the same. Those small rat eyes, loud voices filled with vulgar language cos they're not smart enough to say meaningful and intelligent stuff, and arses big enough to feed a whole village in times of famine.

A lot of things happen everyday but I can't write it here. It'll be too obvious and my cute perky buttocks might get bitten if someone in the company chances upon here.

I'm feeling pathetic.


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