Thursday, May 25, 2006

It's Raining (But Not Men, Nor Money)

How many times have I said this before-- It's always raining whenever I have to leave for a flight. Now it's not a drizzle. It's a POUR.

Will be leaving this time for a Saigon flight. Well, according to my advance schedule, this is my last Saigon flight. Not much feeling about it, just hoping that the load will be light and I can laze all I want in the hotel room, watching Channel V.

For those of you who are concerned or simply kaypoh about my love life, here's the latest update: It's non-existent. And I've decided to give up the idea of meeting a guy on flights. Now, the goal is to make more money and save it. If I can't get a man, I can always get a second degree if I work hard enough. Was previously considering taking up psychology. Now I have another option of Law...

Hmmmm... time to plan and save for my future.

See ya all in a week's time.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Because I'm A Woman

Was surfing around aimlessly last night and I chanced upon a forum where people are discussing which are their favourite songs. Someone mentioned this and I went "Ah! THAT ONE!!"

It was a song by Korea's KISS-- Because I'm A Woman.

I guess the reason many people like this song is for its MTV. Very nicely done and a total tear-jerker.

Things My Girl-Friends Do That Drive Me Crazy

There are reasons, usually un-explainable, why girls love to stick together and gossip for hours without feeling tired. A girl's best friend, other than diamonds, is a GIRL FRIEND. But sometimes, there are just some things and behaviour from her that make you want to squeeze her neck (thought that'll lead to a criminal charge).

- Asking me if she looks fat in the clothes she's in that day. If it's a true yes, I can't bring myself to say it directly in her face "YES! You look like a pregnant frog in that!!" If it's a true no, I'll tell her that it looks fine on her. But you know what, she won't believe me...

- Asking my choice in something, be it food, clothes, movies, songs, whatever. Then decide to go for anything else. What's the point of 'letting me choose' then??

- Running off the moment her boyfriend calls, especially if it's on a girls' night out. If the guy already knows that she's out with her friends, and still calls frequently to check on her-- either he don't trust her, or he don't trust her friends. Both ways, he's being too insecure. DITCH HIM!

The list can go on... ouch...

Girls' friendship-- both sweet and bitchy.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Recommended Music Videos

Saw 2 music videos in San Francisco that made me go "Awwwww...."

The first one is Nickelback's "Savin' Me". I love music videos that have a storyline in it and not just some skinny dancers shaking away to the music.

Maybe it's true-- all of us have a roll of digits ticking away; when those digits run out, so do our lives.

"Savin' Me" is good. But my favourite this time has to be Daniel Powter's "Bad Day".

I found myself relating to the girl in the video-- waking up every day, getting ready for work, taking the same usual route, usual sights, usual office workload... and then it's the lonely journey home alone.

Finding love in the big city where everyone is so busy and committed to their work...

My quote: I'm in a crowd, smiling and laughing away. But my heart is in its loneliest state.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Good Bye, My Happy Shoes

Had to say Bye Bye to my Happy Shoes-- My red Skechers that had been with me since Poly Yr 1 or 2. You know when you buy new shoes and need some time to 'break them in'?? Cos you're likely to get those braises above the heel?? I never have that problem when I started wearing my Happy Shoes. They fit me perfectly, never ever giving me a tough day. They make my feet happy, and my feet make me happy.

They were with me when I was rushing to lectures, going to Hong Kong for the school trip, accompanied me to college, being the only 'friends' I had when I was in Japan for the airline training...

I can still remember-- every weekend during the training period was a happy time for me because I get to leave behind all worries and venture to my favourite safe haven at Sakura. With me all the way were my Happy Shoes.

Ok... I'm not someone with a shoes fetish me.. I just feel so sad that after so many years and important memories together, they have to leave me. Well, I guess everything that has a physical form will be destroyed some day...

Guess the dream I had several days ago really have a Meaning...

To my Happy Shoes: Thank You!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My Views About the Election

Did my 'duty as a citizen of Singapore' this afternoon by casting my first vote in the General Election 2006. It was such an easy decision for me...

It's a worldwide view that every nation and country should have at least some sort of opposition in its government and parliament. Well, we only have 2 out of 80-plus MPs who are from the opposition, but at least THEY ARE THERE. Can you imagine what it's like living in a nation that has NO opposition voices AT ALL??

You may not share my political view, but you have to agree with me on this: It takes a lot of courage to go into politics, and a whole lot more if you're joining in Singapore as a part of the opposition parties. Let's face it: it is human nature to go with the flow instead of against it. A salute here to all the candidates of the opposition parties! Cheers to your courage and undying determination to make your voices heard!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Want A Haircut!!

This is so frustrating. My fringe has no shape, and my hair has no idea where it's heading. ARGH!!!!!

Heaty weather... pek chek me.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Come Fight For My Vote!!

Finally... I can cast my vote in a General Election.

Don't lecture me on the importance of me being a young and first-time voter. Don't try to brainwash me about what your party can do for me if they win. Don't try to make promises that will only make me laugh.

It's kind of funny actually, to see the ministers and candidates walking around the neighbourhoods trying to draw votes. Guess the distance they walk in these few days is more than the total distance they've walked for the past few years.

Election period= great exercise period.
Election period= best time to hear your ministers speak in dialects. (I can do better than most of them.)
Election period= knowing that the govt will not be giving out 'extra money' in the near future.

Election day= finally we get to see LIVE TV programs other than charity shows.
Election day= when the numbers of votes announced will be the HOT 4D numbers the next day.

After Election Day= nothing in your life has changed. You still get fresh tap water, GST, junk mail in letterboxes. ERP, bank charges if your account has less than $500, your boss screaming at you, and the long wait for the bus and train to get to the office so that colleagues can gossip about...... THE ELECTION.

Interesting Dream

Had a dream this morning-- as usual, can't remember all the details and faces...

It was at some sort of wedding, where the groom is someone I know. Can't recall what happened. All I can is that-- I was looking around frantically for a pair of heels. Apparently, that pair has some special meaning and I was hoping to show it to someone at the wedding.

Found a big pile of shoe boxes and started to open every one of them. It turned out that they belong to me. After a while, I finally found the pair that I was looking for. With it came a note.

"All these shoes are so lucky because they were worn by you. And you never make them feel lonely. You took them to great places and didn't just leave them in a closet. They're fortunate to have met you."

At the point in the dream, I felt that it no longer mattered if I found the pair or not. I'm just happy that someone noticed enough to write me that note...

Nice dream... although I'm not sure if there's any special meaning to it...