Thursday, May 25, 2006

It's Raining (But Not Men, Nor Money)

How many times have I said this before-- It's always raining whenever I have to leave for a flight. Now it's not a drizzle. It's a POUR.

Will be leaving this time for a Saigon flight. Well, according to my advance schedule, this is my last Saigon flight. Not much feeling about it, just hoping that the load will be light and I can laze all I want in the hotel room, watching Channel V.

For those of you who are concerned or simply kaypoh about my love life, here's the latest update: It's non-existent. And I've decided to give up the idea of meeting a guy on flights. Now, the goal is to make more money and save it. If I can't get a man, I can always get a second degree if I work hard enough. Was previously considering taking up psychology. Now I have another option of Law...

Hmmmm... time to plan and save for my future.

See ya all in a week's time.


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