So Very True
So very true.
Maybe others have felt the threat arising-- that I'm actually at the top so far.
Maybe they're worried that their position in group will be displaced by my performance.
Maybe they're in slight disbelief that ME, I, YOURS SINCERELY who did so lower-than-averagely in the theory papers, is now ahead of them.
Do I care? No. It's a Dog-eat-Dog world.
But I'll care if some one tries to trip me over so unglamorously. ~Don't ruin my makeup. They're good stuff.~
Something Nice

Just watched a travel show on TV. Holland. So nice...
Something New To Gossip
It all started on Thursday night.
Voicemail: "Hi.. this is ~so-and-so~ from ~another related work location~. Eeerrrrr. Actually errr, I'm looking for you regarding errr.. soccer... But actually, I'm looking for your batchmates.. errr. But I don't remember their names.. Err. If you get this message, could you give me a call at ~this number~. Thanks."
The voicemail was left at 9-plus at night, and I was asleep on the couch then. Woke up at 11-plus, and texted a message back.
Me: "Harlow ~so-and-so~.. My class- 2 guys might be joining in the ~event~ on Monday, but maybe late due training. Pls let me know if you'd like to have their no. to contact them. :)"
'Weird' points:
1) How did that person get my number?
2) We're not from the same work location...
3) My batch has only seen him once, when we visited his work location in April or May this year.
4) How can he remember my name if he can't remember others'?
5) Why contact me of all persons??
The story continues on Friday, after my training.
Phone call from him: "Hi.. This is ~so-and-so~, sorry I didn't reply you last night cos I was on shift and blah blah......."
~Too much for me to recall~
Me: "I'll sms you their phone numbers and you can contact them directly ok?"
Him: "That'll be great. Thanks!"
Text message from him: "Thank you.. Got the numbers. How's the course so far? Hope u guys are coping well. If you need any help, let me know.. I'll try my best to assist."
Me: "Thanks. Course- just finished ~one phase~. Starting ~another phase~ next wk.. Shall see how things go lor.. Pretty much taking a day at a time. Hee. Let me know if ~your work location~ got opening, some of us dying to go there. Wahahwhah."
Him: "That depends on management. Think the batch after you is slated for ~my work location~. All the best for the rest of your course. Your batch a tight and close batch?"
Me: "Quite close. Cos only 7, then from the start we dun have cliques. The new batch- got ex-~some job~. Then whole class very divided. Gee."
Him: "Good that you're a close group. Better not to have cliques and have each other for pillars of support esp when you start ~next phase~. How is your junior divided? So obvious?"
Me: "Their class 16 pple. Then very obvious. Even their instructor also comment something about that. You can check them out when they go visit ~your work location~.."
~~Next day~~
Him: "Hello.. Gd evening. Paiseh I din reply back to u yest. Hope you're having a gd wkend so far.. I manage to get ~one of the guys~ but din get a reply from ~another of the guys~ though.."
Me: "I'll help you contact him. Will let you know when he gives me a reply."
Him: "Yes pls.. Thanks.."
Now, please be the judge. Am I considered flirting with this guy? Did any part of the texting part show that I'm interested in him?
Anyway, when I told my class pple about the initial voice message on Friday, all of them started making fun of the situation, commenting that he's interested in me and he's just finding some stupid excuse (soccer in this case) to try to contact me.
My view:
1) My class pple are right.
2) He's just interested in the current gossips and I seem to be the best person to get them from.
3) Somehow someone gave him my phone number and he's desparate enough to call me to get people to go to the ~event~ on Monday.
4) He's the kind of polite and nice guys who's kind enough to msg something more than just a "ok. thanks. bye'.
Stay tuned for upcoming episodes. Provided there's any. Don't have your hopes too high.
Off-in-lieu day.
Wanted to shop the day away but the plan was stopped by Kino and 5 kgs of travel books.

And the afternoon ended with a McWings meal...
It's All About Food
Date: This past Saturday
Venue: City Hall MRT
Characters: Me, JM, RJ
Due weather, was slightly late for meeting JM at City Hall MRT. But she's wearing a skirt and wedges that day, so I guess it's good to let her wait for while eh? To benefit all those men drooling at her.
Settled ourselves into a German restaurant/bar at Millenia Walk. RJ had a craving for sausages, and that's the place in mind.
~I'm waiting for you, waiting for you...~
RJ arrived.. with a flower in a hair and an umbrella in her hand. Sounds familiar? No.. not Mary Poppins. Poppins don't wear halter tops.
Sticking to my no-vege, no-weird meat rule, I ordered the safest item on the snacks menu (the only menu for Saturday)-- A chicken burger. Not too bad, actually.
Since we girls are dressed for the day and nowhere in particular to go, RJ suggested we go check out her friend, oops, I mean-- check out a performance at Borders which her friend is involved. Some Capoeira thingy. Was looking forward to half-naked hot bods straining muscles in Orchard Road...
Not too bad. If my Sec sch PE teacher is that hot, I'd have scored a Gold for ALL my NAPFA tests.
Seems like RJ is trying to snatch JM's job. She has another friend waiting for her. So me and JM, being so free and single and curious about this Joe ma-lookalike, decided to go to Suntec and.. have dinner.
Shots on the way

But nothing beats the hot babes in the bus

To make the night even hotter, me and JM tried the Chongqing hot pot.
Still bearable. And this restaurant serves cold water, unlike the previous one I went to.
Since JM posted pics of ME suffering, here's something to 'repay'.

Of course, I can't let those not-so-glam pictures on JM's blog ruin everyone's thought and image of me eating the hot pot. This one is a more 'realistic' scene.

Anyone game enough to try the hot pot with me sometime??
Keeping/ Losing My Cool
I admit I expect others in a group working together to put in their fair share of effort. It's extremely tiring/irritating/frustrating when I've put in my share of work and the other party is just too blur/stupid/can't-be-bothered to do their part.
I get angry. And those who know me, I'm not a nice person when I get angry.
Till now, I'm still keeping my cool. Kept on telling myself that it is a bigger challenge on my abilities to work with some one like that. But, there's a limit to how much I can take.
I may be the leading trainee in training so far, but I'm not a genius. I only have 2 hands and one brain to work with. It's tedious enough with my own traffic. I cannot/don't want/won't want to be a nanny and help you settle YOUR traffic.
It's such a thin line between keeping and losing my cool.
Nice To Hear
Was in the control tower for a 3-day attachment period. Familiar smell, familiar sounds, familiar faces I wish they've quit the job.
Nothing much to do there, and the controllers seem to be asking the same question-"So how's your course so far?"
"So far so good." That's my best attempt.
Heard a piece of nice news from a friend in the previous batch, who's doing on-job-training now-- my current instructors think that I'm the top trainee so far in this simulator training.
That's nice to hear, but then I start to over-think.
--So who's number 2? How far ahead am I?
--So I'm the top so far, that means I have to maintain it lah... cannot lose face.
--Serious or not?? Or the instructor anyhow say one..
We shall see eh. But for now, I'll just relax and enjoy one more day of leg-shaking in the tower and prepare to laze for the weekend.
My 50 Facts
Read RJ's blog and there she listed the 50 funny facts about herself. Here's mine--
1) I have my security blankets aka soft toys with me on my bed. 4 to be exact.
2) I took one of them, Tiger, with me to japan for my training period. It scared/terrorised some of my class girls.
3) I would have 'conversations' with my soft toys, where I'd be the devil and they the angels talking sense into me.
4) I don't eat vegetables. That include all greens, beansprouts, onions, ginger, garlic, tomato...
5) I have the entire collection of books by John Grisham.
6) I have A LOT of books about Feng Shui, Chinese fortune and face telling, and horoscope.
7) I still keep my Kindergarten report card.
8) I have an Ultraman (blue colour) piggy bank in my room.
9) When I was 9, my Mum brought me to have the mole on my left cheek removed. You can still see it today, it's just lightened.
10) Heard from my Mum that I was REALLY UGLY as a kid and she was worried about how I'd turn out to be.
11) Obviously, my loud voice wasn't trained, I'm born with it. I was brought up by my Godmum since I'm a baby and I would scream for her whenever my Dad picked me up from her place. People staying on the 10th or even 11th storey poked their heads out to see if I was kidnapped.
12) My Dad still calls me Oink Oink.
13) I've lived my whole life in the northern part of Singapore.
14) I have a pack of Tarot cards.
15) I've never bought a cup of coffee from Starbucks or Coffee Bean. My favourite is the 3-in-1 coffee I make for myself.
16) I have quite a lot of white hair.
17) I pick my nose with my left index finger. (Don't Yuck me, and don't tell me YOU don't pick your nose. That's Yuckier.)
18) My Tiger was initially my brother's. I 'exchanged' my Wormmie for Tiger. We actually prepared a contract for the deal. That happened when I was in Kindergarten. Now they're both MINE.
19) Speaking of Wormmie, my parents striked 4D Top Prize when I was really little and brought me to pick a present. $50 those days for a blue wormmie. Woah.
20) I look A LOT like my Mum.
21) I was born heavy-- 3.45kg for a girl.
22) I was Top in Level in Primary 1. That got me a nice cert, and a cash prize.
23) I have 7 Swarovski items.
24) At last count, I have 19 bottles of perfume.
25) I love Tofu.
26) I pierced my ears once in Poly Year 1, and the holes closed shortly after.
27) I took swimming lessons for 4 years, from age 7 to 10. And trust me, I was REALLY stick-skinny back then.
28) My ECA in Sec Sch was Chinese Opera.
29) I took my first plane ride when I was 12, on a school trip to Beijing. That was also my first trip overseas without parents by my side.
30) I once put on clear nail polish in Sec 1 and got caught by the discipline mistress.
31) I got 2 demerit points in Sec 3 for eating French Fries in the classroom during recess time.
32) I never regretted going to NP. The best days of my life. YEAH!
33) I got hit on once in San Francisco, at Hyde Street Pier.
34) I can start a conversation with strangers almost everywhere.
35) Now, I like men in military uniforms. They just look soooooo smart and solid.
36) I hate it when people look at my mouth when I talk. Makes me wonder if there's something stuck between my teeth.
37) I took part in the Star Search competition once. No, I didn't get pass the 1st round of auditions.
38) I don't like rich people.
39) I send in the lucky draw coupons from magazines not for the prizes, but just to try my luck at winning something.
40) Every now and then, I watch those Taiwan 'idol dramas' and drool at the cute guys.
41) I think my features are rather guy-ish and if I'm to dress up as a man, I'll be quite good looking.
42) I don't dare to eat a lot of seafood.
43) I love curry!
44) I've never smoked a cigarette before. Damn proud of it.
45) Typically, I wear my right shoe before my left.
46) Favourite flowers: lilies. Send me a bouquet anytime.
47) I prefer cats to dogs. They keep their tongues in their mouths.
48) I'm trying to grow my hair long now.
49) The action of girls putting on lipstick/gloss is sexy, as long as they don't open their mouths too wide when doing so.
50) I don't care if you think my list is boring. You must have a really boring life to read a list you think is boring.