Sunday, October 21, 2007

Something New To Gossip

It all started on Thursday night.

Voicemail: "Hi.. this is ~so-and-so~ from ~another related work location~. Eeerrrrr. Actually errr, I'm looking for you regarding errr.. soccer... But actually, I'm looking for your batchmates.. errr. But I don't remember their names.. Err. If you get this message, could you give me a call at ~this number~. Thanks."

The voicemail was left at 9-plus at night, and I was asleep on the couch then. Woke up at 11-plus, and texted a message back.

Me: "Harlow ~so-and-so~.. My class- 2 guys might be joining in the ~event~ on Monday, but maybe late due training. Pls let me know if you'd like to have their no. to contact them. :)"

'Weird' points:
1) How did that person get my number?
2) We're not from the same work location...
3) My batch has only seen him once, when we visited his work location in April or May this year.
4) How can he remember my name if he can't remember others'?
5) Why contact me of all persons??

The story continues on Friday, after my training.

Phone call from him: "Hi.. This is ~so-and-so~, sorry I didn't reply you last night cos I was on shift and blah blah......."

~Too much for me to recall~

Me: "I'll sms you their phone numbers and you can contact them directly ok?"

Him: "That'll be great. Thanks!"


Text message from him: "Thank you.. Got the numbers. How's the course so far? Hope u guys are coping well. If you need any help, let me know.. I'll try my best to assist."

Me: "Thanks. Course- just finished ~one phase~. Starting ~another phase~ next wk.. Shall see how things go lor.. Pretty much taking a day at a time. Hee. Let me know if ~your work location~ got opening, some of us dying to go there. Wahahwhah."

Him: "That depends on management. Think the batch after you is slated for ~my work location~. All the best for the rest of your course. Your batch a tight and close batch?"

Me: "Quite close. Cos only 7, then from the start we dun have cliques. The new batch- got ex-~some job~. Then whole class very divided. Gee."

Him: "Good that you're a close group. Better not to have cliques and have each other for pillars of support esp when you start ~next phase~. How is your junior divided? So obvious?"

Me: "Their class 16 pple. Then very obvious. Even their instructor also comment something about that. You can check them out when they go visit ~your work location~.."

~~Next day~~

Him: "Hello.. Gd evening. Paiseh I din reply back to u yest. Hope you're having a gd wkend so far.. I manage to get ~one of the guys~ but din get a reply from ~another of the guys~ though.."

Me: "I'll help you contact him. Will let you know when he gives me a reply."

Him: "Yes pls.. Thanks.."


Now, please be the judge. Am I considered flirting with this guy? Did any part of the texting part show that I'm interested in him?

Anyway, when I told my class pple about the initial voice message on Friday, all of them started making fun of the situation, commenting that he's interested in me and he's just finding some stupid excuse (soccer in this case) to try to contact me.

My view:

1) My class pple are right.
2) He's just interested in the current gossips and I seem to be the best person to get them from.
3) Somehow someone gave him my phone number and he's desparate enough to call me to get people to go to the ~event~ on Monday.
4) He's the kind of polite and nice guys who's kind enough to msg something more than just a "ok. thanks. bye'.

Stay tuned for upcoming episodes. Provided there's any. Don't have your hopes too high.


At 11:03 AM , Blogger Fang Fang said...

ermh, i think your "love life" is getting a little bit tangy n spicy... but isnt that good?

but hor , i am sceptical about that prophesy that "coming" romance surprise...i have waited until my neck grows super long sia... haha.


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