Friday, October 05, 2007

Nice To Hear

Was in the control tower for a 3-day attachment period. Familiar smell, familiar sounds, familiar faces I wish they've quit the job.

Nothing much to do there, and the controllers seem to be asking the same question-"So how's your course so far?"

"So far so good." That's my best attempt.

Heard a piece of nice news from a friend in the previous batch, who's doing on-job-training now-- my current instructors think that I'm the top trainee so far in this simulator training.

That's nice to hear, but then I start to over-think.

--So who's number 2? How far ahead am I?
--So I'm the top so far, that means I have to maintain it lah... cannot lose face.
--Serious or not?? Or the instructor anyhow say one..

We shall see eh. But for now, I'll just relax and enjoy one more day of leg-shaking in the tower and prepare to laze for the weekend.


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