Monday, February 27, 2006

Dumb Stuff on Flights 2

Let's continue...

Now all of you are fed, WE can take a short break and pass around some toys and useless plastic that kids think are fun. A fellow crew once joked-- "Now you're the kids' hero!!" Do I WANT to be the kids' hero? NO. Do I care if they have anything other than their parents to keep them entertained for the rest of the flight? NO. What do I care? Simple: Just make sure they don't hang their potato legs out into the aisle or try to win the Inflight Arm-Flinging Competition.

Some of you go to the loo for obvious reasons-- to pee and poo. But wait! At the critical moment when you think your hose is about to sprinkle, you can't find the loo! You're at the end part of the plane, and you're desperate. You look around, and bingo! There's the WC sign right in front of your eyes. As usual, you start pushing to gain access to the secret chamber. It's stuck! Oh no, the hose is feeling a little leaky now. (Guess someone turned on the tap.)
You see me walking towards you, and suddenly the bimbo you thought I was a few minutes ago now has a crown of light around her. Yes! Help has arrived. (And in this case it comes in the form of a human being who has just served over 150 economy-class cannibals, and she's not exactly in a pleasant mood.)
You're just one step away from BEGGING me to tell you how to get that door open. (Yes, beg me and I'll tell you.) Do some more inflight exercise and open those eyelids of yours wider-- you'll see that there's a 'PUSH' sign right under the WC sign. Just push there and the secret chamber will appear. I hope you don't need a wand like Harry Potter to open that.

Some incidents are pure DUMB; some are simply Embarassing. And who caused it? You yourself. I know you paid for the air ticket and got your butt a seat on this flight. Yes, I know the airline emphasizes on excellent inflight comfort, and that includes the heavily processed 'airline food' and drinks. If you ask nicely enough, I might get you that cup of water you SO needed. It's free, so you decided to ask for a beer the next time. By the time YOU call ME to bring YOU a second item, my face would be displaying a color other than that of my blusher.
I can reject your request based on the arguement that you might be drinking a bit too much and for your own health considerations, it's better to have some water. That's the 'official' way of telling a Pax--"Just because the liquor is free doesn't mean that you have to clear out the drawers for us."
Most of the time though, I just let the Pax have as much liquor as they like. Why? Simple-- it's always entertaining to see grown-ups stagger and mumble idiotic stuff and start behaving in a totally barbaric manner. Being able to drink and being able to hold it are 2 different things. It's my free lesson for all onboard today!

I'll take another break here. Have to prepare for a flight tomorrow. Any more dumb stuff (or rather people) this time? You bet. It's just-- how much more.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Dumb Stuff on Flights

For those of you who are interested or have asked me this question-- "Anything or anyone interesting that you've met on your flights so far?", the answer is Yes. And a big percentage of INTERESTING is actually DUMB.

Here are some things that are not exactly 'interesting', but they certainly get on my nerves.

1) Telling me at the boarding gate that you want to make a complaint to my company. For what? Because you're a Business Class Pax and you heard an announcement in the lounge telling you that your flight (which I'm serving on) is ready for boarding. So what did you do? You came to the gate, and realise that the plane's not ready yet.
And just because you think you're one of our company's "Very Important" customers (being in Business Class), you own the plane. What do you do next? You spot the nearest flight attendant (which happened to be me, waiting at the gate to help Pax with the outrageously-oversized luggages) and screamed that you want to COMPLAIN.
Hah. For what? In my mind I'm thinking-- "Yah lah... complain all you want. As if I care." But still, I have to fake up this genuinely concerned look and ask about the matter that's not to your satisfaction.
Complaint: You're not happy that the plane's not ready for you to hop on and take off your shoes while the poor attendant has to store your 'o-so-expensive-don't-spoil-it' coat. Errrr. Common sense please. Is it my company's fault that the announcement was made? NO. Ok, NOOOOOOOOOOOO. To think that you even have the cheek to call youself our "VERY IMPORTANT" customer when you can't differentiate what service we provide.
WE fly you from one place to another, feeding you like some incompetent human on the way. WE do not make the freaking announcement you heard. The AIRPORT GROUND STAFF made it. So before you want to make the 'o-you-better-take-note-of-this-cos-I'm-in-Business-Class' COMPLAINT, know who you Should be making it to. Dumb.

2) So now we're all comfortably (well, not totally) in the gigantic piece of metal we call a Boeing, you decided you need some newspapers or magazines. You see attendants walking the the aisle with a stack of those, and you wave your arms like crazy.
Yes, sir, yes. (We see you, and your crazy arms.) What papers would you like to have? "Erm, do you have the Blah-Blah Times?" We don't have that... anything else instead?
At this time, don't blame me for ignoring you and walking away to serve other Pax waiting patiently for the papers if you say this-- "How come you guys don't have that? Can you check again?" FYI-- I KNOW what papers are carried on this flight and YOU don't. So don't tell me to go LOOK FOR IT when the next most important thing is to get ready for takeoff.
Do we have a regulation restricting passengers from buying their newspapers and bringing them onboard to read? No. Do you have time in the airport terminal before you boarded this flight? Most probably, yes, a lot in fact. And seriously, this is a Boeing, not some newstand or bookstore. Dumb.

3) We've taken off, and cruising at a speed that most of us are not interested to know (but the cockpit still tells us that everytime). It's drinks service time. Cheers! What would you like to have? "Errr, what do you have?" I can offer you fruit juice, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, and basically the stuff that's listed in the menu card (which you're holding in your hands at this moment).
"Then can I have some Pepsi?" We don't carry Pepsi on our flights, but I have Coca-Cola here, you want some? "I don't like Coke that much.. This whole plane don't have Pepsi ah?"
YES! We don't have Pepsi in this whole PLANE. In fact, we don't have Pepsi in the whole COMPANY. You happy now? So don't you dare ask me to go look for your 'I-don't-have-it-I'll-die' Pepsi. This is a Boeing 777, remember? Not your friendly neighbourhood 7-11. You can buy and carry a whole carton of Pepsi onboard next time. I'm definitely not stopping you. Dumb.

4) After drinking, it's EATING! Ok, I know you're Famished by now. (So am I, so don't give me that 'please-feed-me-soon look.) I'm right here in front of your seat, and asking for your choice of lunch. Isn't it clear enough? Fish or chicken? You have the menu card in your seat pocket there. Do a little in-flight exercise and stretch your crazy arms which you were just flinging a while ago to reach for that menu.
Here's a simple reminder: NEVER, EVER ask me which tastes better. Do I look like your stomach which has accompanied you for the past few decades? NO! I'm just here to serve you some food so that you can shut up and eat and leave me alone for the rest of the flight. If you can't even make a decision between fish or chicken, seriously, travel with someone who can.

(Deep breaths)

I need break here. And for most of those on flights, it'll be a break to the Loo!

We'll see what happens next, next time.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Grumbling Session

Time for me to complain and grumble about the unfairness I think I face and get things off my chest before I start this flight pattern which will definitely add new unhappiness to my life.

1) I spent Christmas in Kuala Lumpur; New Year in New York; CNY in New York. If you think "Wah, that's really something", here's something MORE-- I'll be spending my 23rd birthday in San Francisco. Nice scheduling huh.

2) I only had 4 days in Singapore this time. Barely time to unpack my luggage and tidy up the magazines and books in my room.

3) Sometimes it just irks me to think that-- people can go home after 8 hours or work; I can go home after 8 DAYS. If they want to report sick, they can do so and be home in their beds in an hour's time. For me, I have to report to the Chief of the flight, report to the office in Narita, the office in Singapore, write a report and then MAYBE I can deadhead home as a Pax.

4) Some companies give all kinds of benefits like medical, annual bonus, vouchers and occasional free treats. What do I have? Mandatory transport and laundry allowances. That's all. Year-end bonus? Yah rite. Dream on.

5) The hotel that I'm staying in everytime I'm in Narita is seriously lacking in English and Chinese TV channels. Ok, I know it's not 'compulsory' for them to install expensive cable or satellite TV, but if you're like me, who stays in the same hotel every week for one or two nights at a time, after getting off a flight that's filled with bitches and bimbos, the last thing you want to see on the only available English channel is how chaotic the situation in Middle East is currently.

I guess that's it for the moment. Getting kind of frustrated with myself for not being stronger in my willpower and patience. I can't remember when was the last time I felt so helpless and mad at myself over something minor (like today). Guess it's true then-- that patience DO run out. Now I have to find a way to recharge its level.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Was trying to blog an entry about my visit to the Universal Studios since last night, but Photobucket kept giving me problems and the photos just don't turn out in the right direction.

Feeling extremely fed-up about the whole mess right now. Maybe it's because of the humid weather; Or it could be that my mum cooked my favourite curry chicken today (and it's hot); Or it could be that I'm leaving for a flight to Frisco tomorrow and I have to finish packing my luggage, finish up the tau poks in the curry, and settle my blog tonight.


Will go shower and continue with the taupok attack now.

Universal Studios Hollywood

Promised that I'll blog about my trip to the Universal Studios, and I'm keeping it. Let the story begin-

Woke up at around 6 plus in the morning of 7 Feb and waited until 7 plus to go down to the lobby to grab some (more) potato chips. Checked with the hotel bus driver about the group tours I see in the brochures and again, like usual, on too many occasions (IMO), they don't make arrangements for singles. (Is there something going on somewhere about lone travellers??)

Lucky for me, it so happens that 2 Shanghai-based crew have booked a tour to the Universal Studios that day. The driever asked if I'm interested to join them. Well, I guess it's not too bad to join a group tour the first time I'm exploring the LA area. And as I've admitted- I'm a chicken.

My bus driver-cum-guide gave us a little surprise when he drove us to some place where we can take a picture of the ever-famous HOLLYWOOD sign and the Hollywood Lake, which is not in our itinerary.

That's me with THE sign.

At the Universal Studios, things are like in a fantasyland. You see movie characters walking around and there're live shows and events being carried out. Imagine living in a neighborhood with these people-

Or perhaps some of you might prefer to live in the neighborhood Tinseltown likes to call WISTERIA LANE.


Was walking around aimlessly when some rocker guys approached me. First impression of them-- They just don't fit into the family, happy, touristy crowd you get in Universal Studios. They're too hard-rocky. One of them asked me if I'll like him to take a picture of me and his friends. Errrr. What for? But as the polite little girl that I was, I just said No Thanks.

Hmm. Maybe they're some super famous band in the States and there I was, missing out on a great chance to have a photograph session with them. But then again, c'mon. What are the chances of THAT?

But I did take a photo with this guy--

How did I round up the day? More shopping, of course. Was hoping that I could avoid the regular visit to Abercrombie by taking this tour. But you never know... There's an A&F store at Universal Citywalk!! Luckily, I walked in, and realised that I already bought this season's new arrivals when I was in New York. Managed to spend nothing there. (Applause for the achievement.)

And then it's the bus ride back to the hotel where everything's back to NORMAL hotel life.

Next time to LA? I'm going to take on the public transport system by myself. And watch out, Warner Bros!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Having a 'Double'

Was watching the Winter Olympics on TV just now. The figure skating pairs short program was on and some of the teams were really good. They could apin and make jumps in almost perfect sync. Then a silly thought came across my mind-- how many hours of training did they have to put in to achieve that? It's like being together with someone for more than half your life. The worst part- you might hate that person and still can't leave.

Then the power of 'linkage thought' appeared again-- There was this one episode of CSI where something interesting was discussed. People are attracted to other people whom the facial features are similar. There's a solid scientific name for this study or finding, but I have no idea what it is.

So that might explain what I heard before (linkage power again)-- Men like to marry women who resemble their mothers and women their fathers. Of course, I'll fall for a man who has some features similar to mine, and some of those features of his are then similar to my Dad's. Confusing? Figure it out slowly and you'll know what I mean. Eg.. I have my Dad's nose and eyes. Then I'll choose a guy with MY eyes and nose (because I'm genetically attracted, remember?) and then the end result will be-- I chose my guy because he's like my dad.

Ok, go work out the math yourself.

Speaking of falling for guys, that action seem to have forsaken me for quite a long time. I'm no longer the little girl back in Sec Sch or Poly who'll keep on eyeing a guy in the lecture hall. Gone are those golden days. Now, I can't even find A GUY to lay my eyes on, let alone harbor any thought of starting a relationship.

My friends told me that this year (Year of the Dog) is an extremely good one for Pigs to be involved romantically. Chances are high, they say. Well, we'll see how that goes.

Oh, some update on my LA flight: I didn't manage to go to the Warner Bros Studio, BUT, I did go to the Universal Studios in Hollywood. Had my maps all printed out, but the seniors warned me about safety in the States and recommended me to take a tour with the hotel instead. I admit I'm a chicken...

The trip was great, took tons of photos, and did more shopping than I should. Will tell about the trip in my next post. Time to sleep.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

I'm Older By Another Year

It's the 4th of February 0235hr now. According to the Lunar Calendar, I'm already 24. Another 2 more weeks to my 'official' biological birthdate. No extradinary feelings this year. I guess once we pass the big 2-Oh, there's nothing much to 'WAH' about for birthdays.

I should be sleeping by now, having a morning flight tomorrow. Will have to wake up at 0400hr. Sigh. My body clock loves the night. Long story. Will tell about that when I return.

Anyway, this time I'm off to LA. Call me kiasu, call me well-organised; I've printed out directions and maps about how to get to the Hollywood area from the hotel which I'll be staying in. I've yet to take any public transportation in the States yet, will definitely do so this time. If everything works out fine, I'll be visiting the Warner Bros Studios in LA. ~Fingers crossed~

Ok, I really should get some sleep, just in case I don't get as much rest as I hope to during the flight later. See ya all in a week's time.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Familiar Things

Went out to bai nian today. Strictly speaking, the bai nian part was rather insignificant. Here's the schedule I had--

-Lunch at Toa Payoh (after making our way to Ang Mo Kio and realised that our usual cai fan stall is not open)
-To CPF Board. My mum needed to sign some document about our flat loan. Blur.
-To Telok Ayer, Tian Fu Gong. Usual CNY visit.
-To Bugis Guan Yin Temple. More prayers for the new year.
-Back to Yishun. Visited the first uncle on my mum's side.
-Visited the second auntie (also my Godmum) on my mum's side.
-Visited the second uncle (who happens to be twins with my Godmum) on my mum's side.
-Visited my grandparents on my dad's side.

Familiar faces, sounds, smells, sights, buildings, food, feelings...

Why do they seem so real yet so far from reach sometimes?

Someone Important

No matter how old we get, no matter how many new people we meet along in our journey in life, no matter how far we think we've left our past behind us, there'll also be this special Someone close to your heart.

I can always be a child; a kid who never needs to grow up and face the world; a sheltered girl in a world of uncertainty and hypocrites; the most precious girl to my very special Someone.

Our meetings are getting fewer and fewer. I feel so guilty after each meeting cos I didn't make as much effort as I could and should to spend more time together.

To my very very special Someone, I want to say-- I love you, really.