Saturday, February 04, 2006

I'm Older By Another Year

It's the 4th of February 0235hr now. According to the Lunar Calendar, I'm already 24. Another 2 more weeks to my 'official' biological birthdate. No extradinary feelings this year. I guess once we pass the big 2-Oh, there's nothing much to 'WAH' about for birthdays.

I should be sleeping by now, having a morning flight tomorrow. Will have to wake up at 0400hr. Sigh. My body clock loves the night. Long story. Will tell about that when I return.

Anyway, this time I'm off to LA. Call me kiasu, call me well-organised; I've printed out directions and maps about how to get to the Hollywood area from the hotel which I'll be staying in. I've yet to take any public transportation in the States yet, will definitely do so this time. If everything works out fine, I'll be visiting the Warner Bros Studios in LA. ~Fingers crossed~

Ok, I really should get some sleep, just in case I don't get as much rest as I hope to during the flight later. See ya all in a week's time.


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