Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hmm, I Wonder

Well, I'll be leaving for my flight in 30 minutes' time. It's the exact same pattern as the last one- will have 2 nights in Narita before coming home. Didn't visit the place I wanted to last trip due to the bad mood; hope to make it this time.

To all those who smsed me, MSNed me, or called me to console/talk sense/curse along with me--- Thank you all. I needed all that and you guys gave it to me. My mood is all re-charged to HAPPY now and nothing's gonna make me dwell on the matter for long. Others can talk all they want; I'm just going to look forward and enjoy myself.

See you all next Thursday!

I Started My Own Chinese Blog!

Yes! It's true that people do seemingly-crazy things when they're under stress or with too much free time on the hands.

It's quite fun to type out in Hanyu Pinyin and see my feelings and thoughts being posted. Guess I'm still a Cheeena pig deep down.

Just not ready to reveal the address now. Will let it be known when I'm done exploring it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Little Cheer Up Song

Good Times, Bad Times.

I guess one day I'll look back on all these with a smile and be glad that I actually went through those grillings.

Thanks For The Flight

This is the phrase that we usually say to the other crew members after a flight pattern. Most of the time, it's just a habit or courtesy, and there's seriously nothing to thank them for. Like this time.

It'll be very soon before this incident comes out in a company bulletin or some MM material. I might as well tell it from my own mouth now.

It was a usual, full flight from New York back to Tokyo. Everything went great until the last 5 minutes of the flight... A small cart escaped in my galley during landing.

Yes, that's right. Rub your eyes all you want. A cart from my upper deck galley escaped from the stoppers and latches during landing.

Wait! Don't ask me WHY it happened. If I knew, I wouldn't have let it happened. You think that I like writing reports on the incident in Narita, Singapore and an apology letter to the manager?

And the thing is-- I didn't even SEE what happened to the cart when it came out for its stroll that's going to make IT and ME famous in the company. I was in my seat ready for landing and couldn't see into my galley. Some crew from the main deck called upstairs to let us know that my dear cart has escaped.

Yes... people from the main deck actually have a better idea of what happened than me and my incharge, who were nearest to the runaway cart.

Most importantly, no passenger got hurt or even seemed to know that such a TERRIBLE thing occurred right behind their butts. They were just tired after the 14-hour flight and were dying to get off the plane for some fresh air.

Too bad for me, there was a manager on the flight and the first thing she did upon arrival was to go the office and report the incident.

All I can say is-- shit happens.

Every crew who heard about the incident didn't ask about ME. There were all concerned about WHAT happened. This is where my 'cut to the point' attitude steps in. I prefer to work around poeple who ask "So, just make sure this doesn't happen again, ok?" rather than those who say "Oh no! How come?? What happened?"

What happened= gossip material
Keep this to one time= leadership material

Oh, did my fellow Singaporean crew help me in this incident?? I'll just leave it for you to guess and wonder. C'mon, I'm now a company bulletin lead actress, getting my 10 minutes of fame in the so-boring company. Do you think they'll want to have ANYTHING to do with me at all, other than "Oh, that girl. I was with her on THAT flight..."

Perhaps we can start a gossip magazine within the company. I'm sure it'll have more readers than the monthly safety bulletin or newsletter.

Just so sick and tired or the office people getting on my back about this incident that I wish to put behind me.

All I can say-- Thanks for the flight.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sometimes Things Happen

Something really terrible happened on my last leg. And I am now blogging from the Narita hotel.

Spent yesterday feeling sad and just depressed about what happened. I seriously don't think it's my fault. But at the same time, no one else is at fault either. I cannot and do not want to push the blame to the other crew around. But there is simply no reasonable explanation for what happened.

I feel so sick and tired of explaining. I just need you to tell me that you believe in me. Please.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

What's Happened To Me?

Was reading a colleague/classgirl's blog and she mentioned me. She noticed something about me that I've also realised.

I'm cursing and swearing. A lot more.

Back in my poly and college days, I didn't mind people around me swearing, but I won't use that language/vocabulary myself. Lately, I'm throwing the phrases around like nobody's business.

Maybe it's the weather; maybe it's the people I work with; maybe it's the people I have to serve; maybe it's the shows and books that I've been watching and reading.

Maybe, I just don't care what others think anymore.

Past: No use cursing 'cos the source of my frustration will still be there afterwards.
Now: Why should I save on my curses since either way, the freaking problem will still be there.

Here's my favourite book purchase from Taipei. Was trying to contain my grin/smirk when I saw the book on display.

The essays in the book are so true. Life's full of sucky situations that you can't guard against.

When the going gets tough, the swearing gets louder.

Bite Me.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Back From Taipei

My first 'alone' trip overseas was great, though I didn't visit all the famous sightseeing landmarks. For that, I blame the weather. Haha.

I did, however, bring back 7 kgs of books. Yes... 7 kgs. I went to a bookstore everyday when I was there. On one night, it was like-- went out in the morning and afternoon, reached hotel around 7p.m., took a nap, then went out to the 24-hour bookstore at 11 plus.

I love their bookstore culture. You see teenagers and adults just sitting around on the floor of the bookstore and reading their time away. I guess Singaporeans are just too conscious to do it here.

Now that I'm back and only a couple of days away from my job check, the mood to work is... none.

I need more annual leave days.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Awwww... Too Bad

I'll be leaving Taipei for home tomorrow morning. Sigh. It's been a great trip but there're so many places I've yet to visit.

I guess the weather here was a big problem. Can't really enjoy the day when it's like 36 or 37 degrees out there and all you care about is the makeup on your face melting away.

Will definitely want another trip here in the winter time. At least I can walk around more I suppose.

I'll miss Taipei, and all the television programs.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Who Says Women Can't Travel Alone??

My flight has been re-timed, for 20 minutes. So here I am, at Terminal 1, with 2 hours to go before the ETD.

Quite weird... to be alone here in an airport terminal, knowing that I will not have any friends or colleagues with me on this trip. Really refreshing, challenging, and a little intimidating.

I'm not one to wander around... sigh. All the DFS shops are 'shopped' when I'm deadheading. Can't go for the free Coke McDonald's is giving cos I already had a cup of soya bean.

Anyway, I did get my aisle seat, and it's at the emergency row- meaning I'll have plenty or leg room in front of me later. There ARE some privileges when you're a cabin crew afterall.

I didn't go for the full outfit I planned last night. But I wore my boots, and a skirt. Going for the bohemian look today. (Isit??)

I feel empowered-- no one to answer to on this trip. It's me and my mind to explore and take in the city. (I said this before already didn't I?)

Time's precious... especially when your flight is retimed or delayed. Ouch.

See you guys. I'm off to explore Taipei!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm Off To Taipei

Packing's all done, not that there's a lot to pack. Think my job has trained me into a super efficient luggage packer. I know exactly what I need.

Will be taking a taxi to the airport tomorrow, without my parents along to the terminal. So it's a 'me, myself, that's all' entourage. All the way to the end.

Here's what ALL my friends and colleagues said when they heard that I'm going alone. (RocketJim-- paiseh.. using your speech pattern here)

Me: I've taken AL already; will be going to Taipei this Friday.
People: Oh is it. So nice. Who you going with?
Me: Alone lor. Cos my family not free from work and my friends all say they got no money to go.
People: Why not wait for your family to be free then go together lah??
Me: I join this company for nearly a year liao. And I've had enough of the bitching and fake smiles. If I don't get away for a while, I'll go crazy...
People: Oh. Wah, you very brave leh... If it's me I won't dare to travel alone.

1) If I can manage to roam around in the mean streets of New York and the old alleys of Japan alone, I guess I can handle the 'Orchard Road' of Taipei.
2) Travelling alone gets me around so much faster. I don't want to spend over a thousand bucks to get overseas just to wait for my travel partner so that she can 'shop' and end up buying nothing.
3) No itineraries or rules. Just me and myself. I'll eat whatever and wherever I like. I'll walk wherever I like. And there's no one to tell me what's good or bad about the city. I'll decide for myself.

Will be back next Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Cannot wait to get home

Now blogging from the Internet cafe in Narita ariport.

OK, my flight and hotel for the Taipei trip is finally confirmed. Phew.

And I am getting quite sick of trying to figure out where the different signs are on this Japanese keyboard.

I miss my Tiger... stinky little tiger.