Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Thanks For The Flight

This is the phrase that we usually say to the other crew members after a flight pattern. Most of the time, it's just a habit or courtesy, and there's seriously nothing to thank them for. Like this time.

It'll be very soon before this incident comes out in a company bulletin or some MM material. I might as well tell it from my own mouth now.

It was a usual, full flight from New York back to Tokyo. Everything went great until the last 5 minutes of the flight... A small cart escaped in my galley during landing.

Yes, that's right. Rub your eyes all you want. A cart from my upper deck galley escaped from the stoppers and latches during landing.

Wait! Don't ask me WHY it happened. If I knew, I wouldn't have let it happened. You think that I like writing reports on the incident in Narita, Singapore and an apology letter to the manager?

And the thing is-- I didn't even SEE what happened to the cart when it came out for its stroll that's going to make IT and ME famous in the company. I was in my seat ready for landing and couldn't see into my galley. Some crew from the main deck called upstairs to let us know that my dear cart has escaped.

Yes... people from the main deck actually have a better idea of what happened than me and my incharge, who were nearest to the runaway cart.

Most importantly, no passenger got hurt or even seemed to know that such a TERRIBLE thing occurred right behind their butts. They were just tired after the 14-hour flight and were dying to get off the plane for some fresh air.

Too bad for me, there was a manager on the flight and the first thing she did upon arrival was to go the office and report the incident.

All I can say is-- shit happens.

Every crew who heard about the incident didn't ask about ME. There were all concerned about WHAT happened. This is where my 'cut to the point' attitude steps in. I prefer to work around poeple who ask "So, just make sure this doesn't happen again, ok?" rather than those who say "Oh no! How come?? What happened?"

What happened= gossip material
Keep this to one time= leadership material

Oh, did my fellow Singaporean crew help me in this incident?? I'll just leave it for you to guess and wonder. C'mon, I'm now a company bulletin lead actress, getting my 10 minutes of fame in the so-boring company. Do you think they'll want to have ANYTHING to do with me at all, other than "Oh, that girl. I was with her on THAT flight..."

Perhaps we can start a gossip magazine within the company. I'm sure it'll have more readers than the monthly safety bulletin or newsletter.

Just so sick and tired or the office people getting on my back about this incident that I wish to put behind me.

All I can say-- Thanks for the flight.


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