Monday, July 28, 2008

Why People Give Up

I believe I've said this before-- Sometimes Heaven makes lousy jokes, jokes that are simply not funny at all.

Sometimes people just have to walk away. There's too much to handle and breathing normally seems so hard.

You do realise that 'rejection' and 'selection' will come up as the 2 options when you type those letters in your cellphone for a text message. I'm sick of it.

It's time for me to take things back into control and not sit back and wait.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Great Movie

Watched the 'must-watch' movie of this year-- Red Cliff.

The movies is 150 minutes long, but I didn't feel that at all. I was still super duper attentive at the end of the movie when they flahsed the "Part 2 coming soon" text.

Actors that just make the movie amazing, lots of battle scenes, based on real historic events, and one of the 3 great battles of the 3 Kingdoms Era.

Go watch it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I JUST realised this one thing-- I gave my resume to a company, with the wrong 'objective'.

I've been sending out my resumes so many times recently that sometimes I overlooked some stuff. I actually forgot to check the job position which I'm applying for. My gosh. What an embarassment... I printed out the last saved version of my resume and handed it in at an interview. And I only realised the mistake 2 minutes ago.

My gosh.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Giving It A Shot

I'm going for an airline interview later. Nope, it's not the "job I want so badly" as mentioned in the recent posts.

I tried for this particular airline more than 3 years back, and didn't make it far. This time, I just want to give it one last shot before walking away from the whole cabin crew thingy.

Still waiting for the company to call me for that interview.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I Don't Know What To Think

Arguement 1) One should always be prepared, especially when there's ample time given. 机会是留给有准备的人的。

Arguement 2) One should not be too prepared as that would appear too confident, too desparate and even too 'smart-ass'.

Arguement 3) Try not to research and prepare too much because if the final outcome is negative, the sense of regret and frustration will be bigger.

So you kind souls out there feel free to enlighten me. I've been reading up on the job, the location, the general employment laws, the organisation and even the history of the organisation. Also, I've written out my self-introduction in both English AND Japanese. Yes, I actually used the electronic dictionary which I bought around 3 years back for the translation part.

I'll like to think Arguement 1, but 2 and 3's been pounding on my mental door. 希望越大失望越大。

Don't know what to say, what to do, what to think. Whatever.

And why am I feeling so upset? Cos I know I can do the job, I fit the bill, and I WANT the freaking job!

Amazing how I can feel pissed off when nobody did anything to cause it.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Waiting Is Tough

I'm stuck in a situation which I'm not sure if I should start sending out my resume again. I really want to get that job mentioned in my previous post. But I have no idea when the company will call for an interview, if they're going to call at all.

The agency guys did say the earliest I can expect a call is around this Friday.

I think job agencies are just too optimistic. They 报喜不报忧. They said stuff like since the client is an American company, they don't have the bond system which ties down employees; they're more open to have an interview even if the resume is not extremely outstanding because they want to see for themselves what the candidates is like; the client is rather straightforward in their employment-- if they like the candidate, welcome in; Singaporeans have a slight advantage due to our language proficiencies.

You do realise that everything just seems too good to be true. I get the feeling that I'm definitely get the call, and the company will want to hire me because I have a strong language background, and yah, that's about it.

I don't want to make the mistake of being too hopeful and confident. This reminds me of an airline interview I went for about 3 years back. The agency in charge of the initial rounds gave the candidates a long breifing regarding the entire employment and interview processes. And I walked away from the briefing feeling all good and comfortable that I get a high chance of being selected eventually. Nah, it didn't happen.

So here I am, not too willing to send out my resume cos I might get that call and letter of offer soon if successful. But I can't be hanging around for too long JUST waiting for that call.


Friday, July 04, 2008

Sword Polished

There is this one job which I'm aiming for now. Went down to the job agency earlier this morning to fill up an application form and got a short briefing.

It's nothing much, just some basic information regarding the job and client, and how their selection process will be done. There's not going to be a face-to-face interview. If the client likes my profile, they'll CALL me and do a phone interview.

Could be hard-- to sound nice and sincere over the phone and convince the other party that I fit the bill for their job opening.

Polished and sharpened my sword, only to know that there's no direct battle being fought. Shall now clean my pen filter. Afterall, the pen is mightier than the sword.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Busy With Nothing

Can't believe it's been 10 days since I last blogged. Well, I've been rather busy with nothing. Unless you count watching videos on my computer a task.

But before you start lecturing me, I have been doing some job searches and actually went for an interview last week. Verdict is still unknown but I don't think the chance of me getting that job is high since I did horrible for the interview.

One happy thing to share-- I managed to sell away some of those old comics I've been buying since primary school. I didn't want to just throw them away... what a waste. Still some left on my shelves, but I guess it's better than a full shelf. Now I have space to put in the books I bought from Taipei.

Plans coming up? Nothing really. My brother's looking around for a real shopfront to 'solidify' his online business. If he's in a good mood, I might be allowed to tag along and exude some of my feminine charm to the lease owner and get that fella to let go at a nice price. (Fine, you guys can go puke first.)

I'm moving forward, one small step at a time.