Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Busy With Nothing

Can't believe it's been 10 days since I last blogged. Well, I've been rather busy with nothing. Unless you count watching videos on my computer a task.

But before you start lecturing me, I have been doing some job searches and actually went for an interview last week. Verdict is still unknown but I don't think the chance of me getting that job is high since I did horrible for the interview.

One happy thing to share-- I managed to sell away some of those old comics I've been buying since primary school. I didn't want to just throw them away... what a waste. Still some left on my shelves, but I guess it's better than a full shelf. Now I have space to put in the books I bought from Taipei.

Plans coming up? Nothing really. My brother's looking around for a real shopfront to 'solidify' his online business. If he's in a good mood, I might be allowed to tag along and exude some of my feminine charm to the lease owner and get that fella to let go at a nice price. (Fine, you guys can go puke first.)

I'm moving forward, one small step at a time.


At 5:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaa.. think u go there. the owner give you the shop for free!! don't have to be humble!


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