Friday, March 30, 2007

Shall try to post a picture that I think is really nice everyday.

Good pictures on my blog== Good mood

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Things and Places I'm Missing

I always remember I read this somewhere-- that people remember places and events not mainly by sight, but by their sense of smell. Here's a little article to support my point. Do go read if you're interested.

Anyway, I was packing some stuff over the weekend and found some purchases I made when I was still flying.

-- Bath & Body Works' Black Rasberry Vanilla glitter mist: reminds me of my first ever visit to NYC. It was autumn and the leaves were all turning red and yellow. The view from the jumpseat before touchdown was simply magnificent. Can still remember the bus ride from JFK over to Manhattan- looking at the houses in Queens and thinking "Oh my gosh! They're just like that in the movies!"

Will never forget the moment when I looked out the window and there I have it, the Manhattan skyline. The Chrysler Building, Empire State Building, and the splendid display of architecture beauty.

-- Gap's So Pink Body Mist: I'll spray a little of that every morning before I leave the house; sets my mood for a great day ahead. That scent just makes me think of one of my best flights ever-- a flight to San Francisco, my favourite layover station.

It was those flights which I had to fly with a senior whom I've heard nasty stories about. Before showing up, I was just so nervous about having to duty with her. Turned out that she's a really nice person and we couldn't stop chatting on the bus rides. (Sometimes you just can't believe everything you hear.)

The 2 other crew who joined us were extremely nice people as well. I just can't recall a flight which I enjoyed as much. After we touched down, it's the usual trip to get Chinese takeaway food. Next day, we just went to walk around the pier area, and enjoyed the day.

I'm sure if I'm to 'pack' further into my wardrobe, I can find quite a lot of other stuff that can 'remind' me of places and people. But I guess I'm just not emotionally prepared to do that right now.



Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Not Boring, It's Just Routine

It's not that I don't want to update my blog. But recently, I just feel that my life is so routine and going according to a time schedule.

0500hr: Handphone alarm and Garfield alarm clock sound.
0515-0520hr: Somehow managed to drag myself to the toilet.
0520-0525hr: Deciding what to wear.
0530hr: Back to kitchen-- make a glass of Ribena, spread butter on bread, chew.
0535-0545hr: Walk here, walk there.
0550hr: Open door and get morning papers.
0600hr: Realise it's about time to get my butt out the house.
0605hr: Putting on some makeup.
0615hr: Final attempt to calm my bad hair with a hairdryer...
0525hr: Last check in mirror to see if my eyebags and dark circles are hidden.
0630hr: Out of house

0645hr: Bus leaves from interchange.

0750-0800hr: Reach Training Academy.

0820-0830hr: Training starts
1000hr: Tea Break
1030hr: Training again.
1200hr: Lunch Break
1330-1340hr: Training again.
1500hr: Tea Break
1630-1640hr: Dismissed for the day.

There you have it-- an average weekday in my training life, which is going to last for quite a damn long while.

Exams take place at least one a week. (I have 2 this week...) Passing mark is 70, and for some critical subjects-- 85%.

Maybe this is how they start to drill/grill us-- Give us a very SOLID schedule, and see how many crumple under the stress. Basket.

Consolation? Well, the cafe food is really better than what we all expected. And for me, no complaints when the food is free and served to you. Can't ask for anything more.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lazy Tuesday Morning, Lazy Couch Potato

Finished my 4th exam since this training course started.

Another one coming up on Friday.

Don't ask me why I got myself into this where I could have been a slack OL if I wanted to.

But I like it here. Feels very much like I'm back in School.

Yah. And finally, it's not a girls' school.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Give Me Some Time

It's always easier said than done. Whenever I hear of people falling or having some extra feelings for someone already attached, I'll shriek and tell them-- "Wake up! They're taken already and please lah, why fight with some other people??"

Feel like I'm being slapped right now by my own words.

Someday I'll look back on all these and laugh at being so silly.

I know I can do it.

I just need a little time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Letting Go Might Be Tougher Than Hanging On

Karma-- that's what JM was telling me about what some one think might be the reason for her being single for this long. Really?? I don't know. It just sucks to hear that "oh, it's not your fault in this life, but rather that of your previous life."

Distance-- perhaps that's the reason for the recent heartbreak of another of my favourite classgirl. We all know it's hard. But not even trying or putting in effort to make it work is one of the worst things a party can do in such a relationship.

I'm crappy. It's Tuesday morning 0808hr here at my training place. And I'm super in need of good, undisturbed sleep. Exam tomorrow, preparation far from done.

I want happy pills.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I had a previous blog entry about a week ago, talking about how people in my training place already knows me as the 'ex-cabin crew'.

Now, even the instructors know.

I was in the cafeteria last Friday for lunch and saw one of my instructors at the next table. I walked past them to get something and, overheard him telling the other instructors at that table-- "Oh, that girl, she was working with... "

There you have it-- it's official: Now everyone in the training place probably knows about my working history.

Hey! What's so weird/funny/surprising/amazing/shocking about an ex-cabin crew joining this job? There's a male ex-steward from our national carrier in the batch before me... Don't hear people talking about HIM though.

This is unfair. I want a new start to my life and I thought this place could give me that. Nope. I'm wrong.


Thursday, March 08, 2007




-- 有时候,你并没有要买什么,但偏偏会挖到宝。
-- 有时候,你逛街逛了一整天,却什么也找不到。

-- 有时候,你走进一家店,看上某件衣服,可是,就是不合身。
-- 有时候,你走进一家店,通过店员介绍,找到一件超好看又合身的衣服。

-- 有时候,你走在街上,看到别人穿着一件很好看的衣服。于是,你开始寻找一件相似的;可是,找了很多家店以后,你会发现- 那件衣服会好看,是因为它在别人身上。

-- 有些衣服比较适合在服装秀上展示;你硬是把它穿上在街上走,路人也会觉得超不搭。

-- 每个人都有自己的品味,而那也会跟着生活和经历有所改变。几年前你喜欢的款式,你现在不见得会看得入眼。

说了这么多,我想-- 还是去买鞋子好了。

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


我伪装着 不露痕迹的
骑著单车 往前行进著
某个路口 爱著等著

你往前走 不回头看了

心不再拼命躲 不去害怕结果
假设有个以后 你会怎麼说
下个路口 你会看见爱

爱 转角遇见了谁 是否有爱情的美
爱 转角以后的街 能不能有我来陪
爱 转角遇见了谁 是否不让你流泪
也许陌生到了解 让我来当你的谁

我不让爱掉眼泪 不让你掉眼泪
现在永远 你就是我 就是我的美

心不再拼命躲 不去害怕结果
假设有个以后 你会怎麼说
下个路口 你会看见爱

爱 转角遇见了谁 是否有爱情的美
爱 转角以后的街 能不能有我来陪
爱 转角遇见了谁 是否不让你流泪
也许陌生到了解 让我来当你的谁

我不让爱掉眼泪 不让你掉眼泪
现在永远 你就是我 就是我的美

爱 转角遇见了谁 是否有爱情的美
爱 转角以后的街 能不能有我来陪
爱 转角遇见了谁 是否不让你流泪
将寂寞孤单作废 让我来当你的谁

我不让爱掉眼泪 不让你掉眼泪
现在永远 你就是我 就是我的美


很喜欢这首歌的其中一句歌词-- 心不再拼命躲 不去害怕结果
