Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Not Boring, It's Just Routine

It's not that I don't want to update my blog. But recently, I just feel that my life is so routine and going according to a time schedule.

0500hr: Handphone alarm and Garfield alarm clock sound.
0515-0520hr: Somehow managed to drag myself to the toilet.
0520-0525hr: Deciding what to wear.
0530hr: Back to kitchen-- make a glass of Ribena, spread butter on bread, chew.
0535-0545hr: Walk here, walk there.
0550hr: Open door and get morning papers.
0600hr: Realise it's about time to get my butt out the house.
0605hr: Putting on some makeup.
0615hr: Final attempt to calm my bad hair with a hairdryer...
0525hr: Last check in mirror to see if my eyebags and dark circles are hidden.
0630hr: Out of house

0645hr: Bus leaves from interchange.

0750-0800hr: Reach Training Academy.

0820-0830hr: Training starts
1000hr: Tea Break
1030hr: Training again.
1200hr: Lunch Break
1330-1340hr: Training again.
1500hr: Tea Break
1630-1640hr: Dismissed for the day.

There you have it-- an average weekday in my training life, which is going to last for quite a damn long while.

Exams take place at least one a week. (I have 2 this week...) Passing mark is 70, and for some critical subjects-- 85%.

Maybe this is how they start to drill/grill us-- Give us a very SOLID schedule, and see how many crumple under the stress. Basket.

Consolation? Well, the cafe food is really better than what we all expected. And for me, no complaints when the food is free and served to you. Can't ask for anything more.


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