Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Security Blankets

This term 'security blankets' came up in one of the MSN chats with Mr. M.

For those who've been to my house, my SBs are hard to be forgotten; For those who saw my tiger during the Japan training period, well, it's still around on my bed.

Each of them has an interesting story...

Tiger: With me since I was 3 years old. It was originally my brother's, and I couldn't help but 'steal' it away from him every time he's not watching. We actually had those childish contracts stating "I promise to lend Tiger to my Sis for 2 weeks".

If you look closer at Tiger's neck area (don't think anyone will be willing or interested though), you'll see some signs of repair. Culprits: my bro and me-- we'd grab Tiger and have a tug-of-war to see who gets it.


Tiger's neck torn...


So it's time for my Mum to practise her sewing skills, on a tiger softtoy. After several 'operations', Tiger's neck is beyond repair... But it's still around! It always is-- Tiger's always the friend I can turn to. It's one I can tell all my secrets, boring stuff, and crazy thoughts to, and keep them a secret.

Garfield: Early January, 1992. Got home after school one day to find a Garfield softtoy in the living room. It's a birthday present my parents got for my bro. It just looked sooooo cute that I can't help (again) but kept playing with it.

3 days later... Got home, and there's another Garfield softtoy! My parents' plan was to get it for me for my birthday in Febraury. To them, it's better to get it NOW and let me and my bro hug one Garfield each than to let me pester my bro to let me play with HIS present.

~The one on the left's my bro's. Mine's the poor thing on the right.~

Wormmie: According to 'historical records'-- Wormmie came into the family when I was 3 years, making it the same age as Tiger. My parents won the 2nd prize in 4D then, and decided to get my bro and me a nice present each. We're not a very well-off family with loads of spare cash, so it's a big deal for me.

My Dad still remembers-- Wormmie's cost them $49.90. Mind you, $50 20 years ago was a big amount, and a ridiculous price for a toy. But, Worrmie is still in excellent condition, the smile on its face always bright and nice.

~They're only 3 years younger than me. Woah~

Bear Bear: The 80th Anniverary School Bear of my Sec Sch. Really cute bear in our famous white sleeveless uniform. Almost all the girls ordered a bear because the price was very reasonable and it's such a special occassion.

The bears were placed on the main desk and I don't know why, but I saw Bear Bear in one corner. It had that sparkle in its eyes that not all the others had. I know some of you are labelling me as CRAZY, but it's something I felt-- I want THAT bear; no one else can get it but me. I WANT IT.

You might call them stinky, useless softtoys that should have been thrown away long ago; to me, they're good friends I go home to everyday. No matter how bad my mood is, I never take it out on them. There was a short period of time in my Poly days when I was extremely easily irritated-- I would throw books, pens, files and even my handphone around the room to vent my frustration. One thing I never thought of throwing was my stinky tiger and gang.

Silly? Yeah, it's kinda dumb for me to hang on to toys which are of no practical value. But one man's junk's another's treasure. Each of them brings a happy memory of the various stages of my life.

They're my weakness. And I'm happy to let them be.


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