Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm The Man!!

"If you're a guy, you'll look great."

A guy said that to me some time back. Can't help but take it as a compliment...

-- I suppose my features are rather hard. I tried pulling my hair back, no makeup, no mascara and all the eye-glitter crap. Woah. I do look not-bad if I'm a guy. No wonder I don't get picked up by guys-- they see me as a fellow dude rather than a chick, and worse, a 'dude' that's better looking than most. Hehehehe.

-- I laugh like a guy. Those girlish giggles?? Ermmmmmm.... Don't go so well with me. I'm more towards 'WAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH's and 'Heer heer heer' type of laugh.

-- Oh, I smirk a lot also. And most of the time it comes with a 'Chey' or 'Tsk'. A total ah-beng action.

-- I definitely shop like a guy. I don't window shop. Either I SHOP, or I don't. Ask JM and she'll tell you what a terrific/horrible/terrible shopper I am in the States and Tokyo.

-- I let go of things easily. A straight bo-chap attitude. I've had friends asking my opinion on whether a couple should give each other a second chance, on whether a soon-to-be divorced couple should give it a shot for their kids... blahblah.
Simple: Just let go of everything and walk on. It's only human nature to sometimes think back on certain events and wonder "what if". There's never a good-enough ending to everything. Right this moment, people should just walk on.

Oh no. the more I think of it, the more I agree that I'm just a guy born into a female body.



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