Saturday, September 30, 2006

Weekend in Singapore

Nice long weekend in town. Spent Friday meeting up with old friends, new friends, and people I probably won't see again. Saturday's quiet and peaceful with just a short meetup over some french fries. Sunday will be good too, I suppose, another complain session with my classgirls over some beer.

This is bad. Too much alcohol content in my blood in one single weekend. But I'll admit-- drinking that much in a short time really helped take my mind off things from work.

I've to go get interviewed by the office people on Monday about a pax's complaint. Whatever. You want me to remember what happened on a flight from 3 weeks back? Forget it. I'll simply deny everything and just write that freaking report.

An apology? Maybe I'll just say it to get you jerks off my back. But my Sorrys are seldom true. I don't apologise even when I know I'm wrong.

Someone said this-- You only live once, but also, you only die once. I'm gonna live my life the way I want-- no regrets, no sorries. But I'll make sure I'll 'die' nicely. Stupid mistakes are certain to happen, just make sure you get over them before they crush you.

I love my life.


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