Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What You See And Hear Is What You'll Get

Think I scared some crap out of my friend, her friend, and her friend's friend this afternoon.

You see, 2 of them are always trying to let me meet this supposedly very eligible, rich, straight, good-looking guy. For what reasons I have no idea.

So I finally met the mystery man this afternoon with the 2 very hardworking matchmakers. Not bad-- he was friendly enough to talk crap to me and made an effort to hold the conversation for as long as we both could stand it. (It was going nowhere...)

And someway through the high-tea session, in the midst of very scattered words, I cursed. Yessss!!!! I did. And then there was silence. For a while.

I'm not an angel, and I'm not sweet in any sense. You want a girl with perfect manners, perfect knowledge of what to say in every situation, with grace & poise? Happy looking elsewhere. I'm definitely not her.

I admitted earlier that I do have a cursing and swearing problem throbbing. I know it's not a nice 'habit' or something to get comfortable in. But tell me, how do you expect me to vent my frustrations from colleagues, customers, and even the equipment on 35000 feet?

Some people drink (I can't have alcohol on board); some eat (aircraft food? Won't that make the mood worse only?; some take deep breaths (Erm, it's heavily recycled air up there...).

Me? I go into the toilet and start scolding passengers who checked in their common sense together with their luggages. When all's done, I emerge with a bright fake smile.

Never heard a girl curse in front of you at a dining table? Well, you're missing out here. Don't expect me to be the little cute thing when guys generally do everything they want us to avoid.

Waht you see and hear is what you'll get. The true me.

Bite me.


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