Monday, September 04, 2006

Suitable Candidates For The Hot Seats

Have you ever gotten on a flight, with your oversized carry-on luggage (which you should have checked in) and glared with anger and envy at those folks who get the emergency row seats? I've seen those looks a lot of times. And have gotten quite a few when I was travelling on vacation a couple of months earlier.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder would why the check-in counter staff place certain passengers in those seats. Aviation laws require that those seated in the row help us crew when emergency situations really happen. They should be within certain age range, with at least an 'acceptable' physical condition, and have read the basic instructions at the counter.

Yet, I've gotten elderlies, big-sized people, teenagers, and frail-looking ladies occupy the hotseats. And when I do get passengers who fit the physical requirements, the first thing they do after sitting down is to sleep.

You want me to expect these people to actually be able to help me in a case of emergency? I seriously doubt so, considering that most incidents happen during the few minutes within takeoff and landing. And my 'helpers' are all asleep then.

Oh, before I forget, I do have some crew who're paxing on the flight. They're the ones I should call for assistance first also. But wait, where are they? I'm sure they're onboard. But where EXACTLY are they?

When I'm paxing, I always get the middle seat, a.k.a. the seat between 2 big men, with newspapers wide open, and arms and thighs always touching me. I'm always in the middle of a cramped cabin, with very little fresh air and leg room, and no way out across these guys to help the crew in the emergencies.

So you know what? Go ahead and throw dirty glares or swear-words at those who get the hotseats. Afterall, you all probably paid the same amount of airfare and he's the one who get to talk to the pretty crew and gets to stretch his legs as much as he wants throughout the flight.

Enjoy the flight!


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