Friday, August 25, 2006

Big Spender

I just spent $1200 on teeth whitening yesterday.

Yes. That's right. That has got to be the largest, one-time, spending I've done since starting work. But this is definitely not on impulse. I've given the idea of teeth whitening a lot of thought and time. I even bought those DIY kits from New York and tried it out (to no effect).

I'm glad I gave it a try. And I'm happy with the results. Soemtimes there's nothing better than a nice reward to yourself.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Shit Always Happens

Believe this-- I failed my company's Japanese language test and will have to take a retest later before I leave for Osaka. The irritating factor is-- I failed by one mark.

I'm not being arrogant here. But I'm proud to say that in my many months of flying with Japanese crew and serving of Japanese passengers, no one ever said that my Japanese sucks. In fact, on almost every flight, some crew will comment that I speak rather fluently and use vocab that some seniors don't even know.

I'm not ashamed to communicate with them in the language and laugh myself off if I get things wrong. But at least I'm learning more along the way.

Now all the company see is my test result?? Sure. Go ahead. I'm definitely not so dumb as the test result showed me to be.

Buzz off, bozos.

Must Save!

Another weekend away from home. Will be away for only 3 days this time. Simple Osaka turn. Just fly there, arrive in the morning, sleep, wake up for dinner, sleep, wake up on 3rd day to fly home.

Should be able to save on this trip. But there's this urge to go out in the afternoon and explore the shopping center...

Hmmmm.... must save...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Singaporean Style

It Was last Thursday and I was just waking up from my usual nap after a flight in Japan when I heard the news on CNN. There's a foiled terror plan to bomb up planes between UK and US.

Nice... I have a States flight the next day.

Apparently, all passengers on the concerned routes have to empty their carry-on luggage of all liquid, gel or cream type items. And the US/UK routes' passengers have to use a see-through plastic bag to carry their passports and essential travel stuff.

There were some complaints coming from female passengers like not being able to use their cosmetics onboard and they'll look horrible when deplaning at the destination.

If we're to change the setting to Singapore (touchwood/choy/dai ga lai si), these will be heard instead--

--"Huh! But my check-in luggage got no more space. How?"
--"Can don't throw away or not? Very waste leh. Still got so much left."
--"You can keep for me here at the airport or not huh? Then I take back from you when I come back."
--"Aiya, never mind lah. Give chance lah."
--"Why you so like that one!! Never tell me early...Your airline should let us know mah!"

Regarding the plastic bag:

--"How come so small?? You got bigger one?"
--"Can give me more?"
--"Got other color or not?"
--"Free or not huh?"

Ignorant= Bliss??

Singaporeans. Sometimes we can be blissful, in almost all cases.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Dumb Lazy Rich People

Here's real-life encounter to let you guys know that I have valid reasons to hate rich people. Don't try to persuade me otherwise.

Setting: On a flight
Characters: Me, and a big-size lady

Act 1: She was seated in the first row of the compartment and got her meal first before everyone else. I was halfway through serving the compartment when she came and asked me for an extra meal.

Hellooooo? Common sense? I'm not even done serving everyone and you want another meal?

Act 2: During the 'quiet period' during the flight, she kept on asking for wet towels, drinks (2 at a time), snacks. and even trash bags. Oh. She also came into the galley and took away our towel pinchers. For what???

Act 3: It's time for landing and guess what? She, as a frequent flyer of our company, 'doesn't know' how to return her seat. Errr. Did I hear right??

Act 4: Time for deplaning. The copmartment has filed out for the exits and she's still there. She actaully said "My bags are so heave. Can you help me carry them to the door?" I just felt like sticking a finger up.

"Of course! I'll help you with them!" That's the professional me. "Do you live here in Singapore?" "Yess!! I live in Holland!" (I'll take that for Holland Village.)

My gawd. Those bags weigh a ton. And where's the precious passenger? She didn't even carry a single thing. Yep. She walking empty-handedly to the exit, with me to drag her 2 ridiculously-heavy bags to the door.

Act 5: I told her I have to return the bags to her at the door. She looks at me namebadge, says my name out loud, and hugged me.



Scene closes.

You see my point now? Rich people think they own the plane AND the flight attendants. They expect everything and anything. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwkkk!!!!

You want me to look at rich people a more understanding way?

NO WAY. Rich people will also be jerks. Period.

Beauty Magazines

Bought the Allure magazine when I was supermarket-shoping in San Francisco. Very much what I have been looking for in a magazine-- one that focuses on beauty, skincare and cosmetics rather than fashion.

There's an article in there which introduces several sites that give awesome beauty reviews and advice. Girls (and guys) who're interested can take the links here in my blog.

Was even happier when I found a beauty magazine in Japan. Lots of exciting stuff and makeup tips.

Now I'm back to the magazine-buying freak I was before.

Tough Spot

Just ended a phone call with a friend (who shall remain unnamed)...

She's a fresh grad this year and a piece of raw meat into the vicious and often cruel world of back-stabbing, name-calling, face-making, finger-pointing and even fist-throwing environment people know as The Workplace.

Lucky for her, her boss is a nice chap and her collegaues didn't perform any of those above-mentioned acts as yet. Still, she's bothered/troubled/frustrated/vexed by one thing people call The Relationship.

The guy, earns enough money, drives a nice car, looks pleasant, and doesn't have any bad habits (in comparison to the majority public). Near-perfect? Maybe to her.

But there's one big problem here. And we've all read about it in the 'Aunt Agony' columns in magazines when we're growing up-- the guy disapproves of friends (some of them, at least).

What would you do if you're like her? Listen to the guy and see less of the friends (which is quite hard because they happen to be colleagues), or leave the guy alone for a cooling period and try to decide for herself if the friends are really that bad/pathetic/shallow/notworthy?

Tough. Very tough.

Women nowadays have to juggle family and work. But before that, I suppose they all have to juggle these-- boyfriend and friends.

Me? I kind of glad I'm happily single who don't have to worry about THAT for now.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Saving Has Begun

I managed to spend money on only food this trip when in San Francisco. All on food!

The first day is always easy-- you touch down after a Pacific flight, simply too tired to hit the stores; go to take away some Chinese food, and it's back to the hotel for the most-needed shower and meal.

The second day is the real challenge. It seems like such a waste to just stay in the hotel and watch TV with silly commercials. Don't forget-- you just flew over 10 hours to get there!

A lot of crew has commented that it's impossible to save anything in the first couple of years in the flying. I can't let that happen to me. Hey, I have a plan to save and maybe even continue education some day. Where am I right now in terms of reaching the $$ quota? Very far.

The saving is spree is finally starting. All I did in San Francisco was to enjoy a quiet moment at Hyde Street Pier watching some kind of swimming contest going on. I still prefer it on weekdays when there's only a couple of tourists or locals there to catch some fresh air.

Saving. Sometimes it's as easy as spending.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Thought I Could Have It

It's happened again. I've been called up to take a flight tonight.


I was so hoping to watch the National Day Parade on TV and now... I'm busy packing for the flight.

Let's see-- last year, my Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, birthday were all spent overseas. Can't remember the last time I wacthed the holiday's specials on TV. It IS true. You never know how much you have until they're gone.

My mood is still rather upset now. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Compulsive Shopper. Who? Me?

Just added 10 bottles of nail polishes to my box--

Yup. Can't help myself when I saw that a bottle of Sally Hansen polish is going for 2 bucks.

Couldn't help myself when I was in Taipei either. The weakness-- facial sheet masks. Think I bought about 50 sheets in all.

Hey. At least I focus all my shopping energy on one category. Imagine if I'm to buy all over the place.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

In Need Of Major Spring-Cleaning

Getting ready for lunch with MM in a while. Can't believe the mess my room is in. Clothes all over the bed; blanket not folded; luggage open and stuff all over; table in a mess; handbag overflowing; books half-read; magazines on table, bed and bedside...

Will try to clean things up. Fast. And soon.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Stuff I've Been Reading This Year

Here's the description behind the last book-- Do you know the best place to have sex on a plane? Do you know that one drink in the air equals to three on the ground? Do you know who is checking you in? Who is checking you out? Do you know what happens to your luggage once it leaves your sight? Is it secure? Are you safe? Do you really know anything about the industry to whick you entrust your life several times a year?

This book is a trawl through the highs, the lows and the rapid descents of air travel. It catalogues the births, the deaths, the drunken brawls, the sexual antics and the debauchery behind the scenes of the ultimate service industry- where the world is divided into those who wear the uniform and those who don't...

Yup yup! That's right. Outsiders who almost never understand all sorts of crap we have to take. Our bodies are forced to suffer through harsh timezone and climate changes. There is no more clear understanding of 'mornings' and 'evenings'. My skin is no longer as I know them; collagen supplements' intake are like water now- a necessity.

THE uniform, and all it brings.

One Year Anniversary

Exactly one year ago, I started training in this company, in a job position that is of so much glamor adn grace to the outside world. 365 days later and here I stand before you, with a lot of blue-blacks, cracked nails & cuticles, cuts, sore shoulders and back, heavily-knocked knees & ankles. Yes. This is what the job gave me after a year.

Not much happiness or joy about the first anniversary. Just a big sigh of relief that I got home from a long long flight...