Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Last Day At That Company

Just a couple of photos...

Company passes to be returned

My locker cleared

Goodbye shot

Lucky Draw

I won a lucky draw!!

Yes, I'd admit that I'm one of those cheapskate persons who'll cut out coupons from magazines and send it in hope of winning a prize. Most of the time I don't care what's the prize, I just want to win something. And to prove that there're actual prizes given out to public.

Yesterday was the last day to collect the prize and I reached the place 10 minutes before the deadline. You can't blame me for dilly-dallying the trip since it's extremely out of the way, with no train stations nearby and it's situated in an industrial park sort of area.

Luckily, my dad was home and he drove me down to pick up the prize before I get disqualified.

Here's the prize--

They say it's worth $195. Whatever.. cos I won a lucky draw!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm Out

Today's a day which I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about. I'm out of a job. And no way near a new one.

Nevertheless, this is a path I've chosen and I will continue walking in pride and hope.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Makeover Photos

It's amazing what makeup and computer touch-ups can do.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Coming Soon

Am packing my luggage and the stuff I bought from Taipei. Room's still in a mess. Will blog about my trip once "I feel like it".

This is just a picture to keep you people entertained.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Checked In

Am now in the departure lounge, waiting for my flight.

My parents sent me to the airport earlier and had lunch with me before they went back.

Awwwwww.... I love my family.

(Will go to the loo now before it's too late. Toilets in planes can be so...)

On Vacation

My bags are packed, suitcase is full, and ready to leave for my vacation.

Will be back this Sunday night. Please don't send me text messages or call me just to check "Are you free now?" Phone bills aren't cheap these days okay...

Don't bother wishing me luck about getting hit on by cute guys during my vacation. Let's put my luck quota to something more achieveable.

See you all next week.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Packing Up

I only have one working day left in this company. Packed up my stuff from the locker this afternoon, and returned some manuals which are no longer needed by me.

Have yet to pack for my Taipei trip coming up Wednesday. Have yet to change the currency. A lot of have-yets. Will get it done tonight.

Really hope that this vacation will wash away my mouldy luck and bring some fresh good ones. I suppose Taipei isn't exactly the best spot for some fresh air, but hey, I could use a bit of eye candies.

I'm sick of looking at average-looking guys everyday here. Give me a cute guy on the flight please. Doesn't matter if he's gay, married, attached or engaged. I just want to stare and drool at him, since there's no IFE anyway.

Nah, I guess a better bet is to stare into a mirror. I might just beat all those pax on the flight. Hmph.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

A day to feel grateful to the one woman who'll always be in my life.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Am I Being Too Fussy?

Friends have been texting me weird stuff at weird timings lately. It's fine if there's a purpose or urgency but not these.

More annoying are those messages which come as a reply. Don't people read the messages carefully these days? I could be asking a qusetion which calls for a direct answer and I can get rubbish replies.

Seriously, it's time to get back to the basics. "Read the questions carefully and answer to the point."

Friday, May 02, 2008



在白日梦里,我可以是第一人者,也可以是一个好管闲事的局外人。白日梦是一部量身定做的剧集;它是单元剧、百集长寿剧、情境喜剧。角色可以随时增加或删减。最棒的是:我若对白日梦里的任何一个镜头不满意,马上Stop, rewind, restart.



...... ......

(不好意思,部落格主人Daydreaming in Progress. Do Not Distrurb.)