Sunday, June 25, 2006

I Really Hate Rich People

For those of you who remember-- there was one entry where I was listing my criteria for a guy. One of them is 'No rich guys'. My friends have tried to change my mind about THAT. Their point was--
-Hey, that guy could be from a rich family, but he don't have the 'rich' air around him.
-Not his fault that he's born rich.
-He could have a really great personality and character that complements mine.
-He could be THE ONE that will love you forever....

Hmmm. That was really tempting and convincing. But after this flight, it'll take A LOT (and by a lot I mean A LOT... can't find the right amount to satisfy my distaste) to make me even consider the idea.

~If that guy's born rich, then he's been living in a great house, with no worries about money in the household; no worries about not doing well in school 'cos his parents can always send him overseas to get a degree at the end of the day; no worries about not enough pocket money to go out with his friends, be it the movies, drinking, or some rich sport like golf or sailing...

You seriously think that this kind of guy can NOT have an air of arrogance around him??

~If that guy's born rich, but his parents nade their fortune by working damn hard, then trust me-- the folks will want their precious son to have the best of everything. They might teach him not to waste money and stuff like that, but at 'critical' moments, like when the son wants a flashy car, they'll give it to him. Nice. A guy living off the fortune his parents worked their butts off for.

You seriously think that this kind of guy has a good personality?

~If that guy's born in an average family and made his own fortune, then he'll want to enjoy the fruits of his labour now. He can now afford the things that his parents couldn't; live the lifestyle that he's dreamed about since young.

You seriously think that this kind of guy will be nice and empathetic towards other people because he's been in their shoes before? Will he?? Let me know when you find one.

Some of you might be cursing at me now-- "Aiyo! How come she so stubborn one! Don't eat beef still can have such strong bull temper. Cannot whack one cruise ship-full of guys with a metal pole mah! Sure will have some rich, nice, eligible-aged bachelors out there.. just that you have not met them."

I may have only been working 'officially' for 7 months, but the number of rich (or think they're rich) people I've seen is enough. All it takes is a business class compartment in a flight to see the selection.

I've had passengers who

-Kept on staring at me when I'm walking through the cabin (and not because I'm cute or anything). It's that kind of degrading stare, that's un-blinking, with a half frown, when I've done nothing wrong! I swear-- Pax in economy never did that to me. They'll stare, then either look away or attempt a weak smile.

-After realising that I'm Chinese, mockingly say a "Ni Hao!". In the service industry, it doesn't take much to know who's 'real' and who's not. Why? Because I myself stick on a fake face everytime I'm at work. It 's the basic Bitch Accessory.

-Actually put down a request (not for any specials meals or drinks) for our non-Japanese crew NOT to serve him. Fine. I know I'm a Singaporean Chinese working in some Japanese airline, and that makes us a minority. Maybe you've had bad experience talking to foreign crew before (we hire crew from Europe, South America, other parts of Asia also), but do you have to be such an ass to put it down in written request? It's bad enough if you complain onboard. It's much worse to request in future flights.

You know what I'll really like to see you do? Go into a store in New York's Harlem and say aloud that you don't want any blacks serving you at the cashier or restaurant or whatever. Please. Go ahead try it and let us know what happens.


I refuse to write down vulgar language even though tons of it is rushing through my mind right now. Before I started this job, I was so good at controlling my temper and thoughts that vulgarities very seldom appear even mentally. But now, it's gushing everyday.

So now you all should agree with me... rich people--- nice to look at and maybe gossip a little about. But to go out with them and even have the thought that one of them might be THE ONE??

My clasgirl Rocketjim told about a story where her friend was 'saved' by a guy standing behind her at a traffic junction. And they ended up going out together for some time.

I think THAT is more likely to happen than ME finding a rich guy that's 'none of the above mentioned'.

I Really Hate Rich People. Period.


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