My Birthday Week
Sunday 17th: Dinner at Northpoint Swensen's with the girls.
Had my favourite topless 5, all 5 scoops of lime sherbet.

Monday 18th: Saved the night for my family, and chilli crabs for dinner.
Tuesday 19th: Dinner after work with my batchmates at a Japanese restaurant at Dempsey.
Goofing around before dinner

Girls of my batch

Dessert at Ben and Jerry's and acting cute

Saturday 23rd: Steamboat dinner and movie at Bugis
Me killing time while queueing at the steamboat place

Me with the girls

Me with J, the nice guy who brought me a tourism magazine with Wu Zun on the cover from Brunei

ZX with A; A's car got into an accident on the way and had to be sent to the garage for repairs

Walking around Bugis Junction after dinner and before the movie

The guys

The girls

Sundae at Mac before the movie starts

Group shot!

~Great birthday week~
Why I Love CNY
A picture say a thousand words.
Count the pairs if you can.

One group in the study room,

another in the living room,

a small cozy one in the kitchen,

and one in the dining room.

A nice quiet dinner after the relatives left.

A family portrait.

How can I not love CNY? I have everyone that matters to me with me.
It's quite scary how time seems to pass by so quickly sometimes and seem to crawl by some other times. It's already February, and Chinese New Year's coming up. I just need to get through one more work cycle before my long-awaited 6-day break.
1)Work. As usual, I get my fair share of nasty people who try deliberately or unintentionally to ruin my day. Not much progress or improvement felt in my performance.
2) Relationship. I actually got a confession from a young guy. A colleague to be exact. Time for me to re-evaluate my behaviour with guys, in case they get the wrong idea AGAIN that they have a chance. Let me just put it this way-- when I'm friendly with a guy, doesn't necessary mean that I'm giving him a chance. It simply means that I have no reason to be rude at him.
Now I'm going to get flowers delivered to my house on V-day. Any takers?
3) Friends. Everything's great. Been meeting up with my best girls over the previous offdays and lots of gossiping done. New jobs were found, new guys were discovered, and our usual laughter never fail to bring us stares from patrons in the restaurants.
It's February, and it's going to get very exciting.