Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Journey Continues

Last work cycle was terrible. I got Ds for almost every session I did. Don't ask me why.

The whole time, I just felt like only half my attention is there. Don't get me wrong, I'm not placing those aircrafts and passengers in deliberate risks, but I just can't seem to be in full control 100%.

My mind seems to be taking a tour somewhere else-- some place nice, with plenty of fresh air and no egoistic jerks around.

2 guys from my previous batch just passed and got their licence. Congrats to them.

I got to know from a couple of sources that some senior persons in the job considers me the best trainee so far. Thanks, but no thanks. Maybe that comment started from one person and it got wider. It's not good. I can just see some other controllers gossiping 'What? Her? You serious? Like that also called best trainee in live traffic ah?'

I'm hard to please. I don't like it when people throw their weight around just because they've been in the job longer; neither do i appreciate positive comments targeted at me.

If this is a journey, the path is filled with shattered glass and there's mud puddles everywhere just waiting for you to step on or fall into.

It's tough, and I still don't see the light at the end. If there's any at all.


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