Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Time To Get Tough

Survived the first week of OJT without any surprises. But then again, I was only on a 'fam week', trying to get used to things in live traffic.

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane-- please refer to a post I wrote on 11th June this year, about a fellow classmate that I'm paired with for attachment. No, I'm not with her again for my OJT, but I do have another situation that seems more... childish.

Bitching time:

I'm posted to the same group as my attachment period, which a slight advantage because I've worked with them before and they know me not just as someone new, but someone they've spent 2 months teaching the basics of working in the control tower.

There's a previous batch of OJT trainees already there when we started our week. And so happens, I have 2 other 'seniors' also doing their OJT in the group. One of them stays in the north of Singapore as well.

Here's the bitch part: We boarded the same bus after work one night and he went to the back of the bus to take a seat while I flopped myself in the front of the bus where I can stretch my legs. After about 5 minutes into the journey, I got a text message from his batchmate, which I happen to keep in contact with also. Apparently, my 'senior' was complaining/whining/gossiping to his batchmate about ME NOT SITTING TOGETHER WITH HIM ON THE SAME BUS.

Yes girls, this episode came from a guy that's I think 26 or 27 years old this year.

Do I care? No. He just proved himself to be such a whiny, non-independent, rank-concious, senior-wannabe.

Of course, there are other episodes in the first week of OJT which made me categorise him as someone I don't want to be on the same bus with. Something some people do some things which just make them not low-class, but simply NO CLASS.

Enough of bitching for one night. I've got a long way to go for my OJT. A lot of procedures to revise through, a lot of new procedures to read up and memorise in view of the airport's new passenger terminal going into service next month, and a lot of mental preparation to be made for the harsh comments I'll be expecting from the controllers about my performance.

It's a long journey. And I'll be spending Christmas this year working in the tower. That's fine, since I didn't get asked out for a date anyway.

I'm a happy little girl. Happy happy happy.


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