Friday, December 28, 2007

Which One Is Worse

Characters: Me, a male manager, a female manager

Male: (Blah Blah) Ask you a question-- are you attached?
Me: Nooooo
Male: Oh, do you know that-- so far, whose female controllers that join the service single, either end up single (up to date) or end up marrying someone from the service.
Me: Wah. Really ah?
Female: Eh, really hor.. (started counting out the names of the female controllers)
Male: So what do you think of it?
Me: I'm deciding which is worse.

Monday, December 24, 2007

It's Christmas Eve

It's Christmas eve, and I'm at home, thinking about what to blog. My OJT life has been uneventful so far, which is a good thing. I rather have it dull rather than have it full of 'happenings'.

Everyone's patient with me so far, afterall, I'm only in my 2nd week of OJT. The real challenge is not dealing with the traffic; it's dealing with the people and their style of working. One person could be teaching you THIS yesterday and another person would be enforcing his/her style on you today. I know I'm doing things according to procedures, but sometimes procedures aren't King.

Don't know what to blog.. seriously. Maybe I should be grateful my life now is calm.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Time To Get Tough

Survived the first week of OJT without any surprises. But then again, I was only on a 'fam week', trying to get used to things in live traffic.

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane-- please refer to a post I wrote on 11th June this year, about a fellow classmate that I'm paired with for attachment. No, I'm not with her again for my OJT, but I do have another situation that seems more... childish.

Bitching time:

I'm posted to the same group as my attachment period, which a slight advantage because I've worked with them before and they know me not just as someone new, but someone they've spent 2 months teaching the basics of working in the control tower.

There's a previous batch of OJT trainees already there when we started our week. And so happens, I have 2 other 'seniors' also doing their OJT in the group. One of them stays in the north of Singapore as well.

Here's the bitch part: We boarded the same bus after work one night and he went to the back of the bus to take a seat while I flopped myself in the front of the bus where I can stretch my legs. After about 5 minutes into the journey, I got a text message from his batchmate, which I happen to keep in contact with also. Apparently, my 'senior' was complaining/whining/gossiping to his batchmate about ME NOT SITTING TOGETHER WITH HIM ON THE SAME BUS.

Yes girls, this episode came from a guy that's I think 26 or 27 years old this year.

Do I care? No. He just proved himself to be such a whiny, non-independent, rank-concious, senior-wannabe.

Of course, there are other episodes in the first week of OJT which made me categorise him as someone I don't want to be on the same bus with. Something some people do some things which just make them not low-class, but simply NO CLASS.

Enough of bitching for one night. I've got a long way to go for my OJT. A lot of procedures to revise through, a lot of new procedures to read up and memorise in view of the airport's new passenger terminal going into service next month, and a lot of mental preparation to be made for the harsh comments I'll be expecting from the controllers about my performance.

It's a long journey. And I'll be spending Christmas this year working in the tower. That's fine, since I didn't get asked out for a date anyway.

I'm a happy little girl. Happy happy happy.

Sunday, December 09, 2007









I'm Back

Returned to Singapore on late Thursday night.

Was a good trip-- bought some stuff which I wanted to, and visited places I've planned.

One bad thing though-- my eye pimple which has been around since November is still there, and my pictures turned out.. not so nice.

Went to an eye specialist yesterday and there's nothing much he could do. All we can do is wait for the lump to go down.

Good trip, bad timing.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

No More Expectations

My second overseas vacation this year. Still within Asia, still travelling alone.

I know some of you girls are thinking-- hey, it's easy to meet some cute guy when you're travelling alone. You guys might be seated next to each other on the plane, and he volunteers to bring you around at the destination, blah blah.

C'mon. Let's leave the dreamy setting for the idol dramas. How many of you have actually SEEN someone that's above average-looking on ANY of the vacation flights that you've been on?

This trip to Macau is long overdue. Time for me to just walk around in a place that's rich in cultural heritage and not so in shopping temptations. As for the casinos, they'll look great in the photo album.

Will see you all in 5 days' time, with a richer heart, and a poorer pocket.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

A Break

The phase of academy training officially came to a stop yesterday. No more classrooms to report to in the morning, no more dozing off in the class, no more sessions of joking and making crazy comments over lunch, no more of a lots.

I will miss the training days, and my training mates as a whole.

Flying out to Hong Kong tomorrow morning to have my long-planned vacation in Macau. Travelling alone again. I did not write a single itinerary for this trip. Don't know why, but I just feel lost without a map in hand. Will use the one hour ferry journey between Hong Kong and Macau to plan.

Luggage is still semi-packed, in a total mess.