Saturday, November 24, 2007

Keeping Priorities In Check

It's so easy to lose concentration.

Especially when you've been doing something over and over again for a long time that it seems, nothing really matters anymore.

And when a new item/person/situation appears, it suddenly takes over centerstage.

Is the new addition worth the attention? Probably not. But it's there simply because there's no other compeition, not because it's good.

I'm blabbling.. and going nowhere..

Friday, November 23, 2007

Last Day

Last day of simulator training. Next week's the final assessment where some big-shot makes the decision of who stays for OJT and who don't.

Don't really have those crazy butterflies in my stomach, certainly not feeling the pressure yet. Not sure if I'm even bothered by the fact that I could fail during the assessment next week. Bottomline, I just can't be bothered.

Looking forward to my Macau/HK trip in December. Can't wait for the assessment to be over cos that would mean that I'm one step nearer to boarding the plane for my vacation.

As for my emotional roller-coaster ride, I've decided to hop off the roller coaster and just walk away. I've made my effort, and that's it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Interesting Monday

After a weekend of emotional roller-coastering, it's back to training on Monday. Only difference is that we're having training in the afternoon now.

Was raining when I boarded the bus at the interchange; expected a nice, comfortable ride all the way.

Nope. The bus got into a bad accident which caused the highway/expressway/main road to be blocked for at least 2 to 3 hours.

Shall not get into details...

Nobody was injured in the incident, but the traffic jam was horrible.

I reached the training place late, but still in time before simulator training starts. Not bad.

My first vehicular accident. At least it's a big one... wonder if it'll be on the news tomorrow...

Monday, November 19, 2007

So Familiar

I won't make the same mistake.

I know it's hard.

I know it's easier said than done.

I've learnt enough to keep myself on track.

I know better than to fall for the same situation again.

The is the same game, just with different players.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nice Crowd

Went out to have dinner with ZX and MM after training on friday. It's at a cafe near Dhoby Ghaut and ZX's colleagues were together as well.

Very nice and friendly crowd, didn't make me and MM feel weird or awkward about meeting them the first time and having to have dinner together.

Some pictures from that nite.

Food was not that great, but the props from a game made it better.

Me and MM.

7 of us headed out to a chillout place after dinner and it was a nice place.

Had a great time.


很有趣-- 在我用汉语拼音拼出“转移”的时候,下一个选择是“专一”。在转移和专一之间,其实差距不会很远吧。



徘徊过多少橱窗 住过多少旅馆
感情是用来浏览 还是用来珍藏

熬过了多久患难 湿了多少眼眶
流浪几张双人床 换过几次信仰

把一个人的温暖 转移到另一个的胸膛
每个人都是这样 享受过提心吊胆
阳光在身上流转 等所有业障被原谅
爱情不停站 想开往地老天荒

烛光照亮了晚餐 照不出个答案
床单上铺满花瓣 拥抱让他成长

感情需要人接班 接近换来期望
短暂的总是浪漫 漫长总会不满

你不要失望 荡气回肠是为了

~爱情不停站 想开往地老天荒
It's not easy, to be with someone and trust yourself enough that this is the 'correct person'. It takes courage... and not everyone has it.

Well, I guess the test of love is more than just saying your vows and treating your relatives and friends to a wedding dinner that most guests are just waiting for the dessert to be served so that they can start leaving.

~把一个人的温暖 转移到另一个的胸膛
Isn't too often that you hear your friends or strangers saying stuff like, they've just got a new partner and this time, they won't make the same mistakes as their previous relationships? It's always nice and pretty at the start, because they can still dream.

Very very meaningful lyrics.

Friday, November 16, 2007

What The...

Went to a hair salon at the interchange after training today to have a fringe cut. Just simply because I got tired of the big chunk of hair out of control.

Correct me if I'm wrong-- the average market rate for a fringe cut is around $5 to $10 rite? Guess how much I paid? Answer: $20

The moment I sat down in the chair, the hairstylist started to tell me I have oily scalp, and brought out some microscope thingy and zoom onto my scalp to prove to me that I HAVE OILY SCALP. He even supported the showing with a booklet on hair scalp conditions. Blah Blah.

I thought that a fringe cut would be done in like, 10 minutes. Nooo. He got a girl to shampoo my hair and blow dry before cutting. Did I ask for that service? NO.

Conclusion: I'm not going back to that salon unless I absolutely have to. I'm not saying NEVER EVER because time has proven over and over again that words sometimes come back to bite me right in my butt.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Back With One More

Due to popular demand.. Nah, just to satisfy my own 'craving'-- Here's a new pic from the previously-mentioned show.

It's always nice to go to my own blog and have something nice to look at.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Am following this Japanese drama serial now. ガリレオ

Total smittened...

Here you go girls, drool, but don't flood your keyboard.

The characeter in the show: a lecturer in a University, a physics genius to be exact. Not only that, he's great in sports too. 4 episodes down, and he's already appeared playing squash and rockclimbing. I'm just counting down to the episode when he flashes his body in the pool. (C'mon, I can dream can't I?)

Please let me know if you people ever get to know someone like that. ~If you EVER~

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Wedding

One of my cousins got married last Sunday. Here's the schedule:

1415hr: All ready to leave the house.

1500hr: Reached the hotel but there's no one there... No bride, no groom, no in-laws.

But it's a nice and 'high-class' hotel, so phoot-taking around is a must.

1530hr: The couple arrives


1535-1545hr: The couple had the tea-serving ceremony. And till the next event, which is around 1730hr, it's 'free & easy' time.

Each cup of tea or coffee or coke or orange cost S$14... Yesh. Of course must drink to my full.

The bride's mother a.k.a. my auntie, brought us into the guestrooms' area. Heard a room there costs $700plus a nite. Woah.

Very colonial style.

1715hr: Hopped over to the outdoor lawn.

The aisle's ready.

Vows were taken and rings were exchanged.

Congrats to the couple.

Me with the couple

Extremely adorable 'flower boys' and 'flower girl'

Alrite... it's time for the wedding dinner... till the next wedding!

Photo Time

Visited the training center of our national carrier on the previous Firday. Here are some photos to let you drool and shake your head at the advance technology and money they have.

The new A380 flight simulator. Price tag: S$33million

A Boeing 777-200 simulator

View from the cockpit in fine weather conditions,

and in not-so-good conditions.

View from the top.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Uploading In Progress

Made a visit to the training center of our national carrier last Friday, went into the new Airbus A380 $33 million simulator and got a 'look'. Also tried my hands on a Boeing B777-200. Nice.

Sunday was a long one-- attended the wedding of my cousin, which took a continuous 9 hours.

Photos uploading in progress.