Thursday, November 30, 2006


Some people think flying as a career is tiring; some think a regular office-hour job is tiring. What do I think?

Flying is tiring during working hours; office jobs are tiring AFTER working hours.

5 days of being sardined in the trains and wearing 'appropriate office outfits' made me more certain of what I always wanted-- a job with shift-work or irregular hours.

A lot to share, but not enough energy to think and type. Will do on Thursday night.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Full-Day Schedules

Previous Thursday: Got back in the evening. Got the call from an American airline; rejected the interview offer. Later at night, applied online for a ground job.

Tuesday: Got back from a short flight. Received a call from the ground job's office, aptitude test scheduled for the next day (Wednesday) noon.

Wednesday: Went for the test, which lasted over 2 hours. I'll be informed in about 2 weeks' time if I pass that.

Thursday & Friday: Full-day Japanese language lessons arranged by the company. Formal wear and the long-forgotten squeeze in morning human traffic.

Saturday: Lunch with parents; dinner with parents.

Sunday: Woke up at 5-plus in the morning, headed down to help out at an event... Lasted till about 6p.m. Hung around in town with the girls, chatted lots of gossip and crap, dinner with the big (old) gang at 8p.m. Got home about 11.15p.m.

Very full days. Another 3 more of it to go...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

2 New Guys

Here are the 2 new fellows in my room, or rather, my bag--

Still thinking of some place to hang them (let them hang out)... Not very practical to have them attached to my handphone...

Who says I don't have guys in my life...


Don't think I'll be able to catch the grand spread of autumn leaves this year...

This is all I managed to see when crossing the bridge from the Osaka airport to my hotel--

Better than nothing. Should be appreciative...

To make up for it-- had a clear day at Haneda Airport and a nice view of Mount Fuji from the training center. Didn't have such luck last year, even though I spent 6 weeks there. Conclusion: what's meant to be is meant to be.

~Feeling appreciative~

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Just A Little Material Indulgence

As per requested, I'm going to post the pictures of the bags I bought...

This is the Burberry bag I bought on the day of the European airline interview.

Bought the pink bag a couple of months back in Japan. Also got my Mom a brown one in a different design. The blue/black reversible and the light beige ones are new additions-- bought them when I went to Tokyo for a Brush-up course in mid-November.

Hey, at least I don't buy shoes at the same time.

It's just a little material indulgence.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

My Mistake!

Went out for dinner with the girls last night and showed them the new Chip & Dale idols I have on my handphone. Oops. Thought that one chip munk is male and one female. My mistake-- Both Chip & Dale are male...

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Have been watching a Korean drama I downloaded recently. Why is it that most Korean dramas have 2 sets of couples that always fall into the same relationship cycle as below? --

-- Guy A: Rich, handsome, successful at work. Originally with Girl A.
-- Girl A: Rich, sophisticated, successful at work. Originally with Guy A, see him as her future husband.
-- Guy B: Not-as-rich, handsome, successful in his field. Likes Girl A but dare not reveal his feelings because he's a friend/buddy/brother of Guy A.
-- Girl B: Not-as-sophisticated, but has a great personality and extremely optimistic and cheerful. On buddy-buddy terms with Guy B, likes Guy A.

Already blur now? Let me put this in a link--->

Guy B-->Girl A-->Guy A
Girl B--> Guy A

So basically at the start of the story, Guy A is the one both girls are looking at. Somehow along the show, Guy A gets to know Girl B a lot better and realises that-- 'Hey, she really makes me happy when I'm feeling down and I think my feelings for Girl A is not that strong afterall...'

At the same time, Girl B is thinking the same thing about Guy B. Also, Guy B is still waiting for Girl A to look his way...

So now it's like this--

Guy B-->Girl A-->Guy A-->Girl B-->Guy B


At the end of the show, here's what'll happen:

Guy B will end up with Girl B. Guy A will either go back to Girl A, or just continue liking Girl B, but gives the couple his wishes. For Girl A, she either gets Guy A back, or becomes single.

Yah. It's this kind of storyline that gets so many people hooked to Korean dramas. (Sometimes me)

What we can't find or see in real-life, we seek closure in dramas. Why not?

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I was on my way home from the airport this evening when an American airline which I applied to last week gave me a call.

And I did what most people will regard as stupid-- I rejected their offer for an interview.

The interview date they have is on next Monday, but I'll be flying out to Osaka on Sunday night. I guess I just can't be bothered to go fake an MC from the company doctor in order to give the interview a shot. After simultaneous rejections from various airlines, it'll take a lot to boost my energy level...

BO-CHAP... totally can't be bothered right now...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Enough of It

Got rejected by an airline AGAIN.

Let's see- I went for the same interview last month, didn't make it past the first round, and history repeated itself today. I think I'm the only crew from my company who-- went to try for the OTHER airline, and can't even pass round 1.

Something is wrong... And I just don't want to admit that it's me.

Going to apply for normal ground job. Once I get it, flying life is over for me.

Time to let go.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Slight Disappointment

I didn't make it past the second round of interviews for the European airline.

Maybe what JM said is true-- I just don't have the look.

Whatever. After so many tries at all these airline interviews, one thing I've learnt is to let go.

But I did meet SV there at the interview, and her friend, J. J did make it to round 3 and I seriously wish her all the best for it.

We went for lunch and shopping around in town after the interview session and I burnt a big hole in my wallet with one single purchase- a Burberry bag.

Ok, I know I already bought a couple of Burberry Blue Label bags last month in Tokyo.. but this is exclusive to the DutyFree Galleria stores! You can nag at me and my shopping habits, but hey, I just got rejected from a company, remember?

Retail therapy-- my long-lost companion is back to stay. At least for a while.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Please Make Me Forget You

I don't know why this is happening.

I know it long ago that you'll only be someone in my past, not my present or future.

Still, I can't help thinking about you once in a while.

I need to know how you're doing, what you're doing, and who you're with. Wait, maybe I don't want to know all that.

I hate this.

Please make me forget you. For you might have already forgotten all about me.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Happy Happy Couch Potato

I love my new hair. So do others.

Every crew who saw me with short hair said I look better and fresher with it.


Couch Potato tap-dancing due to joy.