Saturday, November 18, 2006


Have been watching a Korean drama I downloaded recently. Why is it that most Korean dramas have 2 sets of couples that always fall into the same relationship cycle as below? --

-- Guy A: Rich, handsome, successful at work. Originally with Girl A.
-- Girl A: Rich, sophisticated, successful at work. Originally with Guy A, see him as her future husband.
-- Guy B: Not-as-rich, handsome, successful in his field. Likes Girl A but dare not reveal his feelings because he's a friend/buddy/brother of Guy A.
-- Girl B: Not-as-sophisticated, but has a great personality and extremely optimistic and cheerful. On buddy-buddy terms with Guy B, likes Guy A.

Already blur now? Let me put this in a link--->

Guy B-->Girl A-->Guy A
Girl B--> Guy A

So basically at the start of the story, Guy A is the one both girls are looking at. Somehow along the show, Guy A gets to know Girl B a lot better and realises that-- 'Hey, she really makes me happy when I'm feeling down and I think my feelings for Girl A is not that strong afterall...'

At the same time, Girl B is thinking the same thing about Guy B. Also, Guy B is still waiting for Girl A to look his way...

So now it's like this--

Guy B-->Girl A-->Guy A-->Girl B-->Guy B


At the end of the show, here's what'll happen:

Guy B will end up with Girl B. Guy A will either go back to Girl A, or just continue liking Girl B, but gives the couple his wishes. For Girl A, she either gets Guy A back, or becomes single.

Yah. It's this kind of storyline that gets so many people hooked to Korean dramas. (Sometimes me)

What we can't find or see in real-life, we seek closure in dramas. Why not?


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