Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A Rotting Couch Potato

10 solid days in Singapore and what do you get out of me? A rotting, not yet rotten, couch potato.

I've so much free time to relax, unwind, and basically to finish up all the episodes of dramas and variety shows which I've downloaded. Not only that, I'm now watching a drama serial that was a favourite years ago-- I Have A Date With A Vampire.

Loved that show before, still love it now. I was still in Sec School when the drama was shown and it was the only 'horror' show that I'm not afraid to watch. In fact, I was stuck to it.

Again, too much free time = me thinking too much...

There's this line in the show that is sooooo... simple yet tough.

"Letting go or not is just a thought away."

There're so many things that I've not been able to let go off. Sometimes you just lie to yourself that you're indifferent and nothing bothers you. The truth? You can't afford to let it hurt you again.

A rotting couch potato in deep thoughts.


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