Monday, October 09, 2006

I Can't Argue Back, But I Can Show The Finger

Here's what happened:

-On Wednesday, on the flight to New York, after I got down from my crew rest-- I lost my voice.

Yah. No pain in the throat, just that I have a super coarse voice. And it's those kind that you need to breathe in deep before speaking so that something can be heard.

Spent the outstation time in NY in SILENCE...

--Got back to Singapore on Sunday evening. Told the office that I won't be able to take the next flight on Friday. Cos I simply have no idea how my recovery will go. The office person was nice enough to tell me to go see the company doctor the next day, and dropping the flight shouldn't be a problem.

--Monday morning, and I'm off to see the Doc. He gave me some pills for the throat and I rejected some for the running nose. (I hate taking medicine...) Anyway, we both forgot that an MC might be better...

--Monday afternoon 4.15p.m. I called the office to let them know how the Doc visit went. This other office person said that I can't just 'drop my flight' like that. I need a valid reason. What? No MC? Maybe I should consider going back to the Doc the next day and ask for it.

Wait. What did I miss out here? Is it normal for people to ask their doctors for a MC on Monday or Tuesday, so that they can be absent for work on FRIDAY? Not a bad idea for those who want a 3-day weekend. Try that, my friends!

The person said that he's not free at that moment to deal with my case. I'll have to call back say around 6p.m. and he should have settled things by then.

--Monday evening 6p.m. I called again. Oh! Apparently, things have been so busy at the office because the manager is around, so the person didn't have time to touch my case at all.

Wait again. Am I really spending too much time away from the main land that general office operations have changed??!! Boss in office today= everyone busy= no time to deal with me. Isn't the boss in the office EVERYDAY? He should be. Right?

What was I given? Instructions to call at 8.30p.m.

--Monday evening 8.45p.m. I called for like the 3rd time. And my case is still fresh and untouched. Surprise? Not really. Disgust? Quite a handful.

The office person said that he'll get right to it and call me back in about half and hour. Fine.

--Monday night 10.30p.m. I finally got the call. He just started to get my case done. Will use my pathetic annual leave as urgent leave. And my reason for dropping the flight? Lucky me had the Doc's medicine in front of me then. THROAT INFLAMMATION.

Case settled? Not without a short explantion/lecture/reminder that-- if I ever feel sick or get sick during a flight, I'll have to mention it to the office senior. Cos she'll need my VALID reason in the case of me really needing to drop the next flight. Something like that.

Crew get sick= tell office= office decide if good enough.

You want me to prove how sick I am? Go ahead and call all the crew who worked with me on the New York flights. Let THEM tell you how horrible my voice sounded. Not good enough? Contact the business class passengers I served on the flight back. I'm sure all 55 of them in my service compartment hear my voice, or lack of it, some time or another during that 14 hours.

I don't need a consolation floral basket with a well-wishing card for my speedy recovery. I just don't need demeaning people and company policies to make me feel worse than I already am.

Indirectly telling a patient that he/she does not deserve the medical treatment might bring about a lawsuit in some places. If only Singapore has cases with companies being sued because they condone policies that demeans employees.

There's only so much crap I can take from this company. Time to plan my exit.


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