Monday, June 02, 2008

Taipei Trip Part 2

The other tourist spot I went to is this-- Long Hua Temple.

That's pretty much all about tourist places.

Unless you count shopping at night markets.

Shih-lin night market

Been there too on my previous trip. Can't help but queue up at the same fried chicken store again. For just $2, I get a BIG piece of fried chicken.

My dinner for that night. Fried chicken (which I 'hid' in my bag and brought it up the train and back to the hotel) and a cup of lime juice, also from the market.

Beneath this main station is a long stretch of underground shopping mall.

I kept missing the exit to my hotel and when I came up for 'fresh air', I had to brave the streets and highly polluted air of Taipei city.

This is what I ended up buying in my trip.

5 pairs of heels

A lot of books, some cosmetics, clothes...


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