Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What's Their Problem??!!

For those ladies out there who's dreaming about getting a pilot as their bf or husband, here's a little advice-- Unless you're confident that you have a bigger and stronger ego than theirs, walk away.

I just had a lousy flight back to Singapore, all thanks to the captain of that flight. And the cause? Soup.

... ...

Yes. Soup. A pack of instant miso soup to be exact.

Details: The catering staff will load separate lunch boxes for the flight deck crew on every flight. And the cabin crew will have to serve them when they request for their meals.

It's my first time in Upper Deck duty for that specific flight route and (ok, this part is my fault) I didn't notice that there's a pack of miso soup in the lunch boxes. On the pacific routes, lunch boxes are well, lunch boxes.

I served the captain the box with the miso soup still intact. He called back a while later and requested for SOUP. I thought he wanted soup to go along with his meal. Fine. I went down to First and Business Class and brought him SOUP.

He then called to my in-charge, complaining that he wanted the soup that came along with the lunchbox. Also, he mentioned that he did tell me he just wanted hot water so that he can mix the soup himself, but I didn't do it.


I'm not superb in the language, but I can understand HOT WATER if someone is to ask me for it.

~ Deep breaths ~

After some time, it's the co-pilot that got hungry. My in-charge was doing inflight sales duty and I had to go downstairs to take some service items. No one was in the galley to answer his call. And they just couldn't wait.

The flight deck called the main deck crew and demanded that some one go to Upper Deck, and get the co-pilot his meal. TWICE.

So 2 poor things from the main deck scrambled up to Upper Deck and prepared the lunchbox.

Case closed? Fat hope. When they went into the cockpit to serve the meal, the captain complained about him missing his soup earlier. AGAIN.

... ...

Ladies, you sure you want to get attached to a man who thinks he's King just because he takes home a nice fat cheque every month? You sure you want to be ordered around just becuase 'his job is so damn important and prestigious'? You sure you want to be No.2 FOREVER?

I told you all I hate rich people. And now-- especially those who would make a big fuss over SOUP. Instant ones even.

Damn them.


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