Monday, October 13, 2008


I've just been transfered to another branch, started work there on Sunday, and I'm trying not to hate the place before I have a chance to understand it more.

Things have been turbulent in my company for the past weeks. People are sacked, asked to leave, or on the way out due to various reasons. Reshufflement has been made and I'm one of the cards that got thrown out of the pile.

I'm made the second-most-authoritative person in the branch. It came as a surprise, neither pleasant nor bad though. Maybe those people sitting in the head office saw some potential in me. Maybe they just can't find anyone else to fill that spot. Maybe it's a disgusting pig throwing his weight around to get me that post.

Background story:
There's this disgusting fat ass that holds a nice-sounding title in the company. No one welcomes him, at any branch. I was minding my own business and being a good employee at a 'fast and furious' event last month when he got me to help him with some tasks.

I suppose that fat ass thinks that I'm polishing his shoes and didn't give me a hard time like he always did. He even proposed the idea of getting me to join THIS current branch. (His job title sounds good but his actual power is restricted to this pathetic place.) I blurted out-- "I'd rather be transfered to (some other branch)".

Fastforward to last week, and memos are issued regarding the 大风吹. I'm blown to this place now and am made the 2nd PIC. Just imagine how wide my jaw stretched when I saw the memo. There are 2 other guys currently holding the same job title as me and one of them joined a month ahead of me. I wonder how they feel about me being assigned such a 'high' post so soon. FYI, I am less than 2 months into this company.

Yah. The bimbo got the 'virtual promotion' first.
