Saturday, August 30, 2008

Too Much Stuff

Let me try to summarise events that happened in August.

I sent off a dear friend, to a place which is far beyond my current financial means. A lot of well wishes, a lot of hopes and prayers, a lot of a lots.

Being 'in-between jobs' this month wasn't so bad, with the Olympics in action. Spent a good deal of time in front of the TV and computer watching really fierce competition and sports. I only get this every 4 years since I don't have cable at home, so allow me to indulge.

I got myself a new job, in the F&B industry. The career path looks promising, and I should be able to make it as an assistant manager in a few months' time. But it's not easy. Everything about that job is rather foreign and the only thing I seem to know already is how to use the fire extinguisher in the workplace.

You might not believe this but this is the first time I'm dipping my toes into the stinky pool of 'office politics'. I spent most of my flying days below the radar-- I wasn't one of those office favourites, and I'm just a number on the staff list.

Now I'm glad I actually went through my previous job. Those jerks there gave me a tough lesson on how to deal with nasty comments and the need to toughen myself up. I cannot be that soft, friendly, nice girl that everyone seems to label as a wallflower.

I know I have a future. It's just how I work it out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Unkept Promises

Some many things have happened since I last blogged more than 3 weeks ago.

Too many things.

I've made a lot of promises that I know I cannot keep.

I've taken a step forward in what I hope is a good path.

I have so much to get off my chest but where can I dump them?

Give me a bit more time.

I just need to breathe.

Friday, August 01, 2008

New Cellphone

A lot of good memories with my Panasonic cellphone.

Got a new cell this week, and I went to mask it this afternoon.

I'll miss my old phone.