Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Annual Scream-At-People Day

If you're someone from my company and reading this-- you might be wondering "How is it even possible to fail that test??" Ahem. I 'managed' to do it.

The paper test was done in the morning session, and I didn't score enough to clear the passing level. What did the instructors there do? Very simple-- stay in the classroom, study by myself, and retake the test in the afternoon at 4p.m.

What? Study for 5 hours just to retake the paper test? I asked if it's ok for me to study for an hour, clear the test during lunchtime, and join the group in the afternoon for the practical session.

NO... I MUST study until 4p.m....

(Vulgarities shooting out of my head...)

Cleared the test with full marks in the afternoon, and they scheduled me to return the next day for another try. (Yes, I must go through the whole test, discussion, video presentations... AGAIN the next day.)

Got back to the hotel, and it's a mad rush to call all parties involved--

--The Singapore office to tell them I failed and arrange for me to return home one day later... (nagging and 'light scolding' included)
--The Narita office to let them know I have to extend one more night at the hotel. (Cos the hotel will need 'authorised personnel' from my company to call them before they let me stay one more day.)
--My family... in case they don't see me when they go to the airport to pick me up on the scheduled day of return.)

What irked me was not that I failed the test; It was the inflexibilty of the whole company. It'll make more sense to let me clear everything in one day. But noooo... apparently they have STANDARDS and RULES to keep to. Yah. Rules that will only cost the company more money-- my hotel stay and outstation money in Japan.

Anyway, I got my extra night in Tokyo, and it's off to the test building the next day. Passed both the paper and practical test beautifully. ~Applause~

Thinking back, I'm so happy I got the extra day. I've gained so much more from my stay there alone.

--Being the only Singaporean crew there, I quickly made friends with the 2 Taiwanese and 2 Shanghai-base crew. Had a great time during group discussions and lunch. Also, 2 Caucasian pilots sat with us during lunch and it was just so much fun talking about the differents flights we take.
--I met with my batchgirl RC at Haneda airport, and a Hong Kong-base crew who was with her for their brush-up course joined in for dinner. Met 2 London-base crew in the same restuarant and everybody just ate and talked about living in the different cities.
--Finally had a chance to use my conversational Cantonese (with the Hong Kong-base crew). Hmmm. Guess my skills are not too bad. At least she could understand me most of the time. YESH!
--Took the bus from Haneda airport to Narita airport alone, and just took care of all stuff by myself. There's no seniors or classgirls for me to rely on, and that's a nice change.

Back in Singapore, and it's no surprise that the office dropped my next flight which was scheduled on the 11th. I'd have to go back to the office for 3 days, just to study the booklet (which I did for hours in Haneda), and retake the test.

It's just, dumb. Waste of time and money. Simply dumb.

But I'll get 10 days in Singapore, then leave for my Bangkok vacation on the 16th. Lots of time to plan what to buy and do there, and relax for the trip.

Life opened one big door for me when it slammed the window for me in Haneda: I passed my final panel interview on the 7th (after I got back on the 6th). And the new company will send me the employment information next week, and arrange for me to go for a medical checkup. Maybe it's a blessing to be in town this week afterall.


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